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Submission + - Mt. Gox Enters US as Bitcoin Trades at an all time high of $32 ( 1

hypnosec writes: Bitcoin prices have reached a new high of $32 after world’s biggest Bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox, announced that they closed a deal with CoinLab to handle its United States operations. Mt. Gox was trying to enter the US for quite some time now and having finally managed to partner with a Silicon Valley Bank partner and VC funded company – CoinLab, things are definitely looking good for Bitcoin’s future.

Comment Re:None, I have given up bash scripting (Score 2, Insightful) 411

Twenty years ago, the shell creators gave you the ability to enclose $VARIABLES in "$QUOTES". Methinks you BELIEVE you know how to script bash, but you have not really learned anything beyond typing commands in an interactive shell. Shell quoting is just so fundamentally obvious and they are mentioned so early in the bash manual, I have a REALLY HARD time believing you are a competent software developer (unless you program mirc scripts or in visual basic).


Submission + - Conficker DDoSes eye charts and other Web sites (

Rudd-O writes: "As of a few hours today, the Conficker virus has started to DDoS popular sites running Joe Stewart's eye chart — presumably in an attempt to take sites providing the simple virus-detection service down. I've created a chart (that I hope won't be DDoSed, but that's a risk I'm willing to take) at my own Web site. No ads, nothing to win for me here, let's show this virus writer we won't tolerate their hostility."

Comment More useless government intrusion (Score 1) 1235

Yes, yet another way in which the government intrudes with a feel-good yet useless restriction that is naturally enforced with a very clear threat of violence.

Now people who *really* are predators will be even more encouraged to continue their task, safe in the knowledge that their camera and telephoto lenses won't make a click loud enough for their victims to detect. Let's face it -- if someone is close enough to you that the click will alert you, then either you're as good as dead, or there wasn't much of a threat in the first place.

I like this world more and more with each passing day.

Comment I don't care whether piracy is illegal or not... (Score 1) 311

...but my only concern is this: using violence to drag a human being into a rape hole, for duplicating a few bits and bytes, is immoral.

And we are all the poorer for living in a society so corrupt that this is regarded as not just legal, not just condoned by us, but also the blessed course of action.

Operating Systems

MoBo Manufacturer Foxconn Refuses To Support Linux 696

Noodlenose notes a thread up on the Ubuntu forums, where a user is questioning the practices of hardware manufacturer Foxconn. The user describes how his new Foxconn motherboard caused his Linux install to freeze and fire off weird kernel errors. He disassembles the BIOS and concludes that a faulty DSDT table is responsible for the errors. Even though the user makes Foxconn aware of the problem, they refuse to correct it, as 'it doesn't support Linux' and is only 'Microsoft certified.' The user speculates darkly on Foxconn's motives. Read the forum, read the code, and come to your own conclusions. "I disassembled my BIOS to have a look around, and while I won't post the results here, I'll tell you what I did find. They have several different tables, a group for Windows XP and Vista, a group for 2000, a group for NT, Me, 95, 98, etc. that just errors out, and one for LINUX. The one for Linux points to a badly written table that does not correspond to the board's ACPI implementation.' The worst part is Foxconn's insistence that the product is ACPI compliant because their tables passed to Windows work, and that Microsoft gave the the magic WHQL certification."

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