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Comment Re:Fair enough (Score 1) 1251

"Believing in creationism is a sure sign of a bad scientist. "

I don't think you understand that people can compartmentalize just fine. Most peoples religious beliefs do not effect their work, many of histories greatest scientists were also pretty kooky by today's standards.

As support to what wjousts said, I refer you to Richard Feynman's lecture entitled "The Relation of Science and Religion." A transcript of the lecture can be found here: Hopefully we can agree that Feynman should be considered to be a respectable member of the scientific community?

Comment Re:Credit card fees (Score 3, Insightful) 187

Sort of like the oligopoly in the realm of American cell phone service? Or land line internet service? Or in the gasoline market? One could argue that the American market has failed many times over, due to a few large corporations dominating the relevant market, and doing everything in their power to maximize their profits at the expense of everyone else. I wish I knew what could be done to change the situation, but it seems like so many factors went into creating the situation that we find ourselves in that it would be very complicated indeed to extricate ourselves.

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