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Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 345

How about a new version of NIMBY? I've thought about it. In that case, it's "Fine you want to build wind turbines. Then senior staff and major investors have to live in houses right next to them like people already do for 5 - 10 years." They just put 50+ near where I live. So much for looking at nice hills with trees. Now I see nice hills with trees and god-awful 400' towers. And I'm not being a luddite, either. I'd rather see 'salt' reactors and natural gas.

Comment old economics taken to new heights (Score 1) 294

They've just taken market segmentation and added a process to focus it to not just a demographic or geographic area but to the individual. Don't any of you remember looking through Christmas catalogs and seeing "Executive chess sets" or pens or whatever? It was a bloody chess set with the price jacked up and the word "Executive" added to the name. In other words, they figured out how to sell X number of chess sets at Y price to Z number of users. So how is that illegal? Not that I'm a fan of it but I just don't see how it violates any anti-trust. However, it would be nice to see that news spread far and wide so people are aware of it.

Comment Re:Maple Syrup Strategic Reserve? (Score 3, Insightful) 399

Aw, c'mon. We're just teasing you just a bit. ("Homer Simpson on why he won't take a vacation in Canada: 'Why do I want to visit America Junior?'") Actually, I have a few connections to Canada: 1. I live in Michigan so you're like next door neighbors; 2. At work, we use a software product whose company is in Canada; 3. One of my best friends step-father is Canadian; and 4. I'm part Canadian as my great-grandmother on my Dad's side was Canadian. So, it's all in fun and I consider Canadians to be my brothers and sisters. And we in the US, really did appreciate the bravery shown by Canadian diplomats when they helped to smuggle a few Americans out of Iran way back when.

Comment Re:Air resistance. (Score 1) 1184

My Cobalt (5 sp manual) gets 35+ on the freeway. Who in heck (who knows how to drive a manual properly) would ever try flooring it in 5th; that's just for cruising. On the freeway, or 2 lane highway, I've dropped from 5th to 4th when I'm passing someone. I agree about the automatics, though. I don't know why the trend in the US is to the auto. Definitely not as much fun as a stick shift.

Comment Einstein and one other thing: a new law (Score 1) 813

I'm not sure if it would make a difference if Einstein lived much longer. Most of his 'miraculous' accomplishments happened before he was 40 and he spent the rest of his life trying to find a unified field theory. I remember reading an article that said most scientific breakthroughs were done by people younger than 40. Assuming that if someone lives to be does not necessarily mean they will create or think up any more breakthroughs. As to the new law, remember reading about Godwin's law? Where, no matter the discussion, someone finally relates it to Nazi's? I think we need a new one concerning this debate between atheists and religious people. I suppose in this article one could make a reason for the relevancy of an afterlife (and rebuttals) but I've read some articles on /. where my reaction to a "Jesus is a myth" or "Jesus Saves" is a "WTF, does this have to do with the article?"

Submission + - Skynet close to becoming self-aware (

Thorodin writes: "A robot named Nico could soon pass a landmark test — recognising itself in a mirror.

Such self-awareness would represent a step towards the ultimate goal of thinking robots.

Nico, developed by computer scientists at Yale University, will take the test in the coming months.

The ultimate aim is for Nico to use a mirror to interpret objects around it, in the same way as humans use a rear-view mirror to look for cars."

Are we ready for self-aware robots?

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