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Journal Journal: Debian PPC quarrels force users to move elsewhere 8

I am keeping up with the Debian PPC mailing list for some months now and apart from bug reports there is only one main theme: some nasty infighting between key Debian PPC developers. Today, January 11, Mathew Binkley send the following message to the mailing list:

Greetings. I am the senior system administrator at Vanderbilt University's supercomputing center. We operate a 1500 processor cluster for researchers at Vanderbilt.

The Internet

Wikileaks — Anonymous Whistle-Blowing 162

too_old_to_be_irate writes to tell us about a site that word got out on before they were ready. Wikileaks aims to be an anonymous and uncensorable repository of leaked documents, posted for commentary by interested parties. It's expected to go live in a month or two. From the site: "Wikileaks is developing an uncensorable version of Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis. Our primary interests are oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but we also expect to be of assistance to those in the west who wish to reveal unethical behavior in their own governments and corporations. We aim for maximum political impact; this means our interface is identical to Wikipedia and usable by non-technical people. We have received over 1.1 million documents so far from dissident communities and anonymous sources."

Submission + - Pr0n vs. Sony, Round 2: First Betamax, now Blu-Ray

Ozymand E. Us writes: :This just in, from the Las Vegas bureau: u_ray/

Apparently, the porn industry is coming down on the side of Toshiba's HD-DVD over Sony's Blu-Ray. Why? for reasons including: ease of manufacture, lower costs, and-oh, the millions of HD-DVD players sold- in the form of XBOX 360s. For those who remember the format wars of the 80s, things are not looking good for the Blu-Ray camp.

Bet they wish they hadn't delayed the PS3, huh?
Wireless (Apple)

Submission + - iPhone Killer Apps

Fidel Guajardo writes: "Because the iPhone runs on OS X, we should see some new or existing applications ported over to the iPhone. Here is a short list of some possible killer apps that would truly be convenient to operate from an iPhone. While some of these concepts already exist, I believe the iPhone would make them even more user-friendly and popular."

Submission + - Format war is over as pr0n has chosen sides

profet writes: It seems that one of the last heavyweights in the format war has chosen its hardware. Various members of the adult film industry have decided on HD-DVD. The reasons seem to be based primarily on cost of manufacturing. History has shown that the porn industry can be a driving factor for technology. Can bluray recover from such a tremendous blow? Does HD DVD have the market penetration that everyone claims?

Submission + - Engineering Challenges of the next century

An anonymous reader writes: The National Academy of Engineering has gathered a committee of the super-geeks to discuss the Engineering Challenges facing the world. Some of the committee members are known names in IT or are otherwise known for their engineering/technology leadership. MSNBC picked it up earlier.

Submission + - Changes to the NetFlix Queue/Ship Algorithm

zyzzx0 writes: "It's been well-known and documented that part of the NetFlix 'mode d'operation' is a complex algorithm that, in some cases, will delay shipment to heavy renters. Very recently, in two separate cases, we have a queue of two or three DVDs that are from a single season of a television series. In both cases, disk two and three came a day or two before disk one, forcing us to put a pause to our Battlestar Galactica watching. This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, and hasn't discouraged my un-dying NetFlix love. (I dislike Blockbuster enough to never go back.) Has anyone else seen this trend, or change in 'shipping algorithm'?
And what about the latest reports that NetFlix is going to finally unveil their digital renting strategy?"

Submission + - pr0n going HD-DVD

YLee writes: heise news reports (German only): According to Joone (founder of Digital Playground and "star director" of HD porn) SONY is trying to prevent the use of BD for distibution of adult entertainment material. Joone: "SONY wants me to use HD-DVD for distibution". First his plan was to go the BD route but every BlueRay press plant in the USA refused to cooperate with his company. Betamax/Video2000 deja-vu, anyone? (Max Grundig: "This crap won't make it on my tapes!")
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Business 2.0's dumbest moments in business

prostoalex writes: "Every year Business 2.0 magazine comes up with 101 dumbest moments in business, and now they published their 2006 list. While there're quite a few entrants from the technology world, such as Sony's rootkit distributed on music CDs, and Google's decision to blacklist CNet after a reporter googles private information on the company CEO, most of the entries, including the leading one, are from the wild real estate market."

Submission + - Three HD Layers Today, Ten Layers Tomorrow

Marcus Yam writes: "While Toshiba has publicly announced its achievement of developing a triple-layer HD DVD-ROM (read only) disc with a capacity of 51 gigabytes, Ritek is disclosing behind closed doors at CES its own achievements in multi-layer HD optical media. Ritek claims to not only have been able to produce a three-layer and four-layer HD optical discs, but to have successfully designed HD media with a full 10 layers. The company says that its multi-layer process can be applied to both HD DVD and Blu-ray formats. (Sorry if you receive this multiple times, my browser was timing out when I hit submit)"

Get on the 'Gates for President' Bandwagon 654

netbuzz writes "Dilbert's Scott Adams kicked off the idea in his November 19th blog post, saying there isn't anything wrong with this country that President Bill Gates couldn't cure in less time than it takes to get a new operating system out the door. Today, the idea is moving forward with a brand-new 'Bill Gates for President' Web site. Adams is also back on the campaign trail, flogging the site and Gates' candidacy." A blog post at Network World includes a lot of eye-rolling about this idea, but neither Adams nor the folks at the 'Gates for President' website seem to be taking this lightly.

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