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$1 Billion Mission To Reach the Earth's Mantle 267

black6host writes "Humans have reached the moon and are planning to return samples from Mars, but when it comes to exploring the land deep beneath our feet, we have only scratched the surface of our planet. This may be about to change with a $1 billion mission to drill 6 km (3.7 miles) beneath the seafloor to reach the Earth's mantle — a 3000 km-thick layer of slowly deforming rock between the crust and the core which makes up the majority of our planet — and bring back the first ever fresh samples."
The Internet

.xxx Registrar To Launch Pr0n Search Engine 149

angry tapir writes "The company behind the .xxx top-level domain plans to launch a search engine in an effort to drive more traffic to .xxx websites and give pornography fans a more satisfying search experience. ICM Registry, which operates the 9-month-old .xxx TLD, is scheduled to launch this week, said Stuart Lawley, ICM's CEO. The new search engine will give users a more streamlined searching process, help protect them from viruses and malware and help guard their privacy, he said. The search engine has cataloged 21 million webpages from .xxx sites, he said. 'It's porn, only porn, all porn,' he said. 'There's as much porn there as anyone would need, I'd imagine.'"

Comment If you want to read... (Score 1) 415

If you want to read then get an e-reader. I have a Kindle for reading, not surfing the web, not checking email, etc. If I want to do something else besides read I pull out my phone or use my laptop. When reading with a tablet you'll end up getting distracted by new emails, something that pops into your head and you want to quickly look it up, but in reality you end up doing everything else except reading. With an e-reader you can focus on the book your reading and keep the distractions to a minimum.

Comment What I want... (Score 1) 660

A device with a 4" - 4.2" display, decent dual/quad core processor running around 1.2 - 1.5 Ghz, and the ability to obtain root on the device if I choose. I have no need to carry around a beast of a deivce with a 5" display or a device that so locked down that I can't unlock features the phone has, but the carrier decided to disable.

Comment It's called Time... (Score 2) 1134

I use the command line to save time.

Example, to transfer FSMO roles there are three places in the GUI that you have to go to vs via the command line I can easily execute the command to transfer roles and after every command I get the response to verify it successfully completed.

Another example, I have a PowerShell script and a batch script to install windows hotfixes on standalone non-internet connected machines in the field. I can install 100+ hotfixes onto a new station in 20 mins or so. Also the script queries the system for installed hotfixes and skips them if they are already installed which equates into a major time savings. Try doing that via the GUI and see how far you would get w/o accidently rebooting or just giving up cause it takes so long.

Comment Re:You can't rebroadcast Public airwaves (Score 1) 250

Over the years the FCC has granted to local stations the right to charge for their product. Cable companies pay about 1 cent per station (per household)* for the rights to rebroadcast local stations over their wires. This "Aereo" service may have to abide by the same rules.


Sounds fair to me, if they are sending 10 stations then they pay .10 cents per user to the content provider.

Comment Live stream = More Customers = More Ad views (Score 1) 250

So what's the issue here? It's not like they are removing/skipping the TV ads, they are just converting the broadcast to play on a persons digital device. They even have a dedicated antenna for each user. So, that means more people are now seeing the same commercials equaling more ad impressions which means the TV execs can charge more for the ads.

As others have said why not working the company to work out a fee instead of trying to sue them into the ground.

Comment Re:TSA is an expense account scam (Score 1) 494

The state of Texas tried to do something like this away back. They were going to pass a law that made it a crime to do patdowns that involved touching sensitive areas of people. The TSA threatened to shut down all air traffic in and out of Texas airports if the law was passed. The guy who introduced the bill backed down from the TSA.

Comment Selective encryption (Score 1) 487

Our local PD shares a trunking system with 4 other PD's and FD's in the area. Each group has a set of encrypted channels they can and do use in situations when they don't want the average person listening in. This provides the security during crisis situations, but still maintains the openness that the community wants. Win/Win and they are not having hand out hardware to non-gov people that need to listen in.

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