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Comment Addressing the problem... (Score 1) 335

I recently read This ( article. It leans towards social issues spurring violence, not desensitization. It's probably as biased as any other source of news, but I think it puts forward an interesting point of view that doesn't see much serious consideration.

Comment Enough rope (Score 3, Interesting) 387

Javascript is fine, it just give you enough rope to hang yourself. (and a little extra, as it turns out) The language itself has some patterns that allow for terrible patterns, and ambiguity, but all in all, I don't think it's bad. Waiting for someone to disagree...

Comment Wireless infrastructure costs (Score 1) 314

I've heard that the reason Verizon is charging more than it should be is to cover creation of new infrastructure. I have no idea if that's a reasonable claim or not. Can anyone speak to this? They also mention bandwidth limitations... but this seems absurd to me, given that the data should have nothing to do with cellular communications after it gets to a tower.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
