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Comment Re:I feel like trolling... (Score -1) 258

>>>now have switched to kubuntu 11.04

Give Lubuntu a try (LXDE plus ubuntu). It uses about 1/4 as much RAM as kubuntu requires, so it's good for old laptops or PCs with 1 gig or less memory.

As for Unity, I don't know how accurate these benchmarks are, but if it uses twice the RAM then it would not fit inside my current laptop. Still I'm willing to give it a try and see how it looks.

Comment Most beautiful games (visuals) (Score -1) 58

Atlantis, Cosmic Ark, and a few other iMagic games
Chopper Command, Pitfall 2, and a few other Activision VCS games
Zaxxon (arcade)
Crystal Castles (arcade)
Marble Madness (16/32 bit versions)
Space Ace (the Atari ST/Commodore Amiga version)
Zelda: Link to the Past
Yoshi's Island
Final Fantasy 5 and 6
Zelda: Mask of Majora
Final Fantasy 9
Banjo Kazooie 1 and 2
Final Fantasy 12

and so on. I'm at work and don't have time to type a complete list but these are the games that stick in my mind as "most beautiful" of their respective generations.

Comment Eh... not interested. (Score 1, Insightful) 119

My facebook "friends" and I don't like the same things. I like sitting at home playing videogames or watching Free tv or reading Asimov's magazine. Most of them do not.

Most of them like going out, or looking for child-friendly school related activities, or jogging, or other tasks that hold zero attention for me. Even if they recommended a site (via bing) I'd probably not look at it.

Nice idea though. I guess someone will find it useful.

Comment Re:1 Hurdle Down, A Few More to Go (Score -1) 293

>>>until it reaches the Supreme Court, but it's a vital 1st step.

And when the Court strikes down these fishing expeditions for IPs, the Obama administration will simply direct Congress to pass a law saying that IP addresses can be linked to homeowners and the homeowners prosecuted. That's what happens almost every time the Supreme Court makes a decision Congress or the President doesn't like.

For example when SCOTUS said nude drawings of children are not illegal, Congress just passed a law saying "Yes it is." You are wiser to place your faith in State Nullification - your local legislature simply refuses to enforce laws that are unconstitutional. Plus they have actual power (money and soldiers), where the court does not.

Comment The key to marketing (Score -1) 229

To be a good marketer, you have to believe with 100% conviction what you are saying, at the time you say it. Then the next day or week or month, you believe 100% what you are saying, even if that's the exact opposite of what you said before.

I'm sure this guy will happily say "Google Android sucks" on his last job, and then say, "Google Android rocks" in the present, without any problem whatsoever.

Comment I like that Show (GH and GHI) (Score -1) 345

I keep hoping Siffy's Ghost Hunters will find something, but of course they never come-up with anything solid. Oh well. I'll keep fast-forwarding through each episode, just in case they do stumble upon something.

Of course I would have preferred they canceled GH and kept Stargate Atlantis and Battleplanet Caprica, but whatever. (shrug)

Comment Where in the Constitution? (Score -1, Insightful) 348

According to the Supreme Court, cops are not allowed to stop *every* car along a highway --- only the ones they suspect of drinking. Of course, cops ignore the SCOTUS rulings (like entering homes without warrants) and just do whatever they want anyhow.

I can not lay my hand on a single part of this Legal document that gives the Senate power to censor Apple's applications (or apply pressure to censor). On the contrary the law is clear:

- congress shall not censor speech
- non-enumerated rights (like owning ihones with DUI apps) are reserved to the people
- Powers not granted to the Union government are reserved to the Member States, or the People, respectiv

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