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Comment Re:Would MAC address filtering counter this proble (Score 1) 584

Although it can have security issues itself HomePlug is a good option. I live in an old granite 3 storey house so I can't get a decent wireless signal throughout my house so HomePlug works great for me. I doubt many hackers check to see if they can access homeplug in their neighbours house via the electrical sockets in their own house.

Comment Reward (Score 1) 456

If they had offered a 1 trillion dollar reward for him we would have had him 10 years ago and saved 2 trillion. Wouldn't actually happen because most of that 3 trillion went to companies that the politicians have interests in.

Comment Re:Weird coincidences (Score 2) 190

Marine Turbine Technologies got around this problem by having the turbine running full speed the whole time and using a clutch type system to control power delivery. The issue with their motorcycles was the cost as they used turbines from Bell Jet Ranger helicopters and these are still expensive even when they are no longer fit to be used in aircraft.

Comment Why bother with proxys (Score 4, Informative) 377

If the hackers were UK based then they just have to buy a wireless dongle. You just lie about the information on the registration screen and away you go untraceable. Granted they will be able to triangulate the signal but its easy enough to drive somewhere quiet with a laptop and do it. Failing that they could just hack some poor old ladys wireless and use that. Both of these options are simple to do and less hassle than proxys.

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