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Comment LOL (Score 2) 350

I wonder if France realizes if they do this, Google will just pull french news sources from their site.
It's a Lose/Lose situation, Google has less news, these french sites get significantly less traffic.
Sure they might be complaining they don't get much, but i can guaran-fucking-tee you they'll get less without Google.

Comment Still has the same problem as the 3DS (Score 1) 188

The 3DS was by far the worst console launch by Nintendo, possibly even of all game consoles.
The release titles were disappointing, the follow ups mostly so, and they were quick to release a second version (the 3DS XL).

I have a feeling we're going to see something similar with the Wii-U, as it's already doing the first part (horrible launch titles).
I used to be a huge Nintendo fanboy growing up, but as of late, Nintendo seems to have forgotten why we were all fans in the first place.

Comment Uh, no. (Score 2) 421

1. Twilight is considered a great book/movie by many.
2. People like Charlie Sheen and Kim Kardashian are considered celebrities.
3. People like Mitt Romney are serious contenders to be President of the United States, and people actually think he's a good candidate.
4. Sports are over glorified and players are often paid millions of dollars, but those teaching our kids to create a brighter tomorrow work for peanuts.

Comment Well then... (Score 1) 136

...good thing I no longer use their image.
I'm sure they're still monitoring my data, but I doubt cyanogenmod sends them info on my app usage.
I just wish the CM team would make an INC 2 image past 7. Despite the fact their news posts claim they support it, I've yet to see one.
I've tried the unofficial builds but they haven't played well with my phone, the last one i tried sent my battery into overdrive.

Comment Just imagine... (Score 1) 57

...if every single patent lawsuit regarding mobile phones was thrown out.
Imagine how much better the phone in your pocket would be if companies were forced to actually make efforts to improve their phone instead of worsening the competition.
Fuck all of you companies who hire more lawyers than employees.

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