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Comment Time for a history lesson (Score 1) 493

Greece was conquered by the Roman Republic, about a century before the first Roman Emperor.
Far from being an "offshoot," Constantinople was designated the *official* capital of the Roman Empire by Constantine, the same emperor who made the Empire officially Christian. At that point, Greece had been ruled by Rome for more than four hundred years.
For a period of time after Constantine, Rome itself was deprecated, so to speak. It only returned to imperial capital status when the Empire was formally divided into Eastern and Western halves some 60 years later.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 298

Except you don't need to be female to be highly offended by snuff porn.
In case you aren't familiar with the term, it is porn that "climaxes" in murder. Needless to say, it is almost always faked. But still, it only appeals to really sick minds.
And I say this as a male who quite enjoys porn, if done well.

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 298

Modded as Funny? I think Insightful might be more appropriate.
Why? Because it illustrates how a bright individual can outdo a whole cadre of "professionals" whose thinking takes place inside a mental straightjacket.

Comment Disappointing but not surprising (Score 1) 228

Those of us who are long-time Mac users have a grudge against CNET for destroying It used to be the best source for Mac software, before CNET bought it out.
Within a very short time, CNET had castrated Now the decent but not quite as good is just about the only trustworthy site for Mac software that doesn't make it into the App Store (IOW, all the good stuff).

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 848

Bullshit. Pure bullshit.
An exploit is not a virus. There are Trojans that can affect a Mac IF the user deliberately installs them, by being a fool who is suckered by obvious social engineering. But there are ZERO self-installing, self-replicating viruses that can infect Mac OS X.
And your mention of pwntoown is proof that you don't know what you are talking about.

Comment Re:And half the Arctic countries don't care (Score 1) 272

Not just Miami, you know. Try all of the largest cities in the entire world. New York, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, Mumbai, Cairo, London, etc., etc. Where will they all go?
Denver and Mexico City are gonna get very crowded.
Here's a thought: What will they all eat? We are headed for a climate different from any that has existed since the evolution of humans. Many former grain producing areas will become deserts. And you can't grow wheat in a muskeg swamp.

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