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Comment Re:It's a good disconnect (Score 1) 609

The ivory tower model of colleges should be taken down with extreme prejudice. It is harmful both for the student (when they try to place themselves in the job market) and to the companies. The "get people ready for the job market and what the companies need" model of technical schools is what is need. Several countries are starting to see that, and investing heavily on it (Brazil, Germany etc).

Germany has had both "ivory tower" universities and technical/trade schools side by side for decades - they aren't just starting to get it, and they aren't throwing away the 'ivory tower' either. They have parallel education channels, and which one a student follows depends on their aptitudes and demonstrated abilities.

Comment Re:Why was this story even news to begin with? (Score 1) 142

The plan was juvenile. It called for recruiting top talent at universities from around the world and bringing them to a single technology center in a country most people wouldn't want to live in because of weather and sunlight extremes. Then these inexperienced apprentice engineers were going to do what to give Nokia an immediate shift in their circumstances?

Comment Re:Agree, mostly. (Score 1) 224

Umm, Team Foundation? Workflow? That's for teams of programmers working on large projects. .NET Micro Framework is a Micro controller solution. There's almost nothing workflow or Team about it. You can dislike it for whatever reason you want, but I think you may have missed more than just a workflow associated with an enterprise team based software engineering solution.

Comment Re:Evil reaches the iPad (Score 2) 249

The end of that last post, stating you are either making a joke or you are a moron, is much like Fox News itself. Their stories basically lead you into one of several choices ("we report..") and then you are encouraged to choose one ("...you decide"). Many of their routine viewers don't even realize that they are false choices and they will just blindly choose to go with one. Of course, either choice, if accepted by the viewer, directly serves the interests of those who run News Corp.

I was in a waiting room several days ago, and Fox News was on the TV and sure enough they did the same thing the poster above does - they gave two false choices. "Michelle Bachman - abused by the press or a victim of sexism?". Of course, free people are free to not choose bogus choices, they can use critical thinking skills and make up their own mind without TV 'helping' them to decide.


Low Quality Alloy Cause of Shuttle Main Tank Issue 118

BJ_Covert_Action writes "NASA engineers have finally discovered the root cause of the cracks that have been found on space shuttle Discovery's main external tank. The main tank, one of the 'Super Lightweight Tank' models developed by Lockheed-Martin, employs an aluminum-lithium alloy developed by Lockheed-Martin specifically for this application. The new alloy is used in various structural stringers throughout the SLWT design. Unfortunately, the batch of this alloy used in the tank that is currently mated with the Discovery shuttle appears to be of low quality. The alloy used in the stringers has a 'mottled' appearance, compared to the nominal appearance typically used in the main tank stringers (see picture in article). This appearance is indicative of a fracture threshold that is significantly lower than typical. NASA has determined, through testing, that this low grade alloy has only 65% of the fracture strength of the nominal alloy typically used. NASA engineers have devised a potential fix to the problem that they are currently testing to ensure the repair will cause no unintended consequences. NASA plans to have the Discovery shuttle ready to launch again by February 24th, 2011."

Why Sony Cannot Stop PS3 Pirates 378

Sam writes "A former Ubisoft exec believes that Sony will not be able to combat piracy on the PlayStation 3, which was recently hacked. Martin Walfisz, former CEO of Ubisoft subsidiary Ubisoft Massive, was a key player in developing Ubisoft's new DRM technologies. Since playing pirated games doesn't require a modchip, his argument is that Sony won't be able to easily detect hacked consoles. Sony's only possible solution is to revise the PS3 hardware itself, which would be a very costly process. Changing the hardware could possibly work for new console sales, though there would be the problem of backwards compatibility with the already-released games. Furthermore, current users would still be able to run pirated copies on current hardware." An anonymous reader adds commentary from PS3 hacker Mathieu Hervais about Sony's legal posturing.

Florida Man Sues WikiLeaks For Scaring Him 340

Stoobalou writes "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been accused of 'treason' by a Florida man seeking damages for distress caused by the site's revelations about the US government. From the article: 'David Pitchford, a Florida trailer park resident, names Assange and WikiLeaks as defendants in a personal injury suit filed with the Florida Southern District Court in Miami. In the complaint filed on 6th January, Pitchford alleges that Assange's negligence has caused "hypertension," "depression" and "living in fear of being stricken by another heart attack and/or stroke" as a result of living "in fear of being on the brink of another nuclear [sic] WAR."' Just for good measure, it also alleges that Assange and WikiLeaks are guilty of 'terorism [sic], espionage and treason.'"

Comment Re:What grounds? (Score 1) 973

I was pretty much reading on autopilot until I saw this:

All you have to do to have healthcare in the US is to show up to a hospital. The fact is, "health care access" is not an issue: "health insurance", which helps one pay for it, is what is being roundly discussed.

When you say 'US', which country are you talking about? Living in the USA as long as I have I know you can't be talking about this country. While US hospitals will admit you if you are facing a serious or life threatening condition, you most certainly will not be admitted for the vast spectrum of health issues.

If you go in a say you are a diabetic, you will be asked to leave. If you then drop on the floor in a diabetic comma, they will treat you. And even if you do have a condition which will get you admitted, it doesn't mean you will be treated anytime soon. You could literally be sitting in the waiting room for days. I've seen that before.

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