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Festo's Drone Dragonfly Takes To the Air 45

yyzmcleod writes "Building on the work of last year's bionic creation, the Smart Bird, Festo announced that it will literally launch its latest creation, the BionicOpter, at Hannover Messe in April. With a wingspan of 63 cm and weighing in at 175 grams, the robotic dragonfly mimics all forms of flight as its natural counterpart, including hover, glide and maneuvering in all directions. This is made possible, the company says, by the BionicOpter's ability to move each of its four wings independently, as well as control their amplitude, frequency and angle of attack. Including its actuated head and body, the robot exhibits 13 degrees of freedom, which allows it to rapidly accelerate, decelerate, turn and fly backwards."

Comment Re:Because: Patents. (Score 1) 204

In a free market price of any product will drop by 50% every two years until it hits cabbage prices. Markets where the price remains high are being artificially constrained. Telecoms is a perfect example. Telcos go on about how expensive airspace is, but in fact it's patent pools that exclude competitors, and allow operators to charge their extortionate rates. If fuel cells got 4x cheaper in 10 years, they are in fact overpriced by 8 times (should have fallen 2^5 = 32 times in ten years). I'd be willing to bet any amount of money that it's patents that are doing the constraining here.

Comment Re:The USPTO is holding roundtables (Score 1) 211

The law is what Congress makes, and if they decide math is patentable, then it is.

Actually all patents are medieval hocus pocus. In no world does a monopoly on the market for an idea create wider value to society. Patents are, and have always been, a ruse to transfer wealth from the mass market to a few individuals.

There's only one solution, and that will come eventually, and that is to end all patents, period.

Comment Re:I'm sorry but he is wrong.. (Score 1) 95

So much wrongness.

Let's start with your conclusion, "Canonical doesn't follow the arbitrary pattern I believe I've identified therefore I think it will fail". This isn't science, it's looking for evidence to support your (quite poor) theories.

You started by saying, "businesses that succeed using FOSS". This today covers 95% of successful businesses.

You've ignored the many FOSS-based businesses (those that make and distribute it, not just use it) such as IBM, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub. None of these fit your "blessed three" yet they're the dominant model.

And you include "holding out a tin cup" as a successful business strategy. Name a single successful "business" that does this.

Let me explain how successful businesses *really* use FOSS. First, they find a market with incumbents paying too much for their software or spending too much making it. Then they build new FOSS stacks and products that attack these incumbents. They take their clients and charge them a fraction of the old prices. You can sell _anything_ like this, as long as the product has software as part of its critical supply chain.

Comment Re:This is insane (Score 1) 90

This is not what the patent system was intended to do, this is madness.

On the contrary, this is precisely the intended effect i.e. elevation of power and profits of the only group that really matters in this: the lawyers. You will take note that irrespective of what comes out of this (Apple loses, Samsung loses, whatever) the lawyers (and bankers - all that money has to get deposited somewhere - also just think of the magnitude of "transaction fees") get their money. A huge pile of money.

In a society run by lawyers the only people who really count are lawyers. Every other activity (such as producing something actually useful) must somehow benefit the true power holders. Thus "rules" are made, which from your perspective might appear "insane", which advertise themselves as "justice" or "promotion of this or that noble goal" to make them defensible to and palatable by the plebs, but simply say "you shall suck a lawyer's dick" once you decipher all the implications of the lawyerly priesthood's "legalise" code in which these "rules" were written.

And since most Western societies are overrun with a whole pyramid of classes of parasites such as lawyers or "financial industry" creatures the pooch is pretty much screwed - at least until the next Great Fuckup (probably an economic collapse the way things are going but its anyone's guess really).

Comment Re:are we to believe that no women or any non-whit (Score 3, Insightful) 343

Actually it's a shame he cancelled because (a) any publicity can be good and (b) this now sets up the stage for hysterical attacks on the tech scene in general and (c) this is worse, not better, for 'diverse' speakers. What does it mean now to be a non-white or female speaker at a conference? That you're there because the organizers wanted some token diversity? Insurance?

"Hi, I'm the diversity insurance speaker. Name's Token. Here's my card."

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