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Comment Re:Easy answers (Score 1) 305

I challenge you to name one game where you can do everything that you should be able to do. Oh what, I can't travel to those mountains in the distance because it's just a skybox? Failure of a game. I can't jump in a jet and fly to another country? Failure of a game. I can't dig a hole in the ground as far as I want? Failure of a game.

Come on man.

Comment Re:Article is empty (Score 1) 305

It's also addressing well understood problems. I designed quite a few levels in the various id Tech engines and what I would do for the fake vs real doors was to have some kind of indicator, perhaps a different colour light or design to distinguish them. For cases where the entire world shouldn't be drawn due to performance reasons, I would insert an antiportal into the doors, which would prevent anything behind the doors from being drawn until the door was actually opened. For the issue of having a door lock after a player passed through, I used a series of triggers.

Comment Re:Rift (Score 1) 181

I was tooling around in the freebie Advanced Escort for a long time. I recently acquired a Fleet Chimera Heavy Destroyer in exchange for just 20,000 fleet credits and a single 500 zen ship module, though you do have to be Vice Admiral rank and your fleet has to have a tier 2 Dyson sphere spire in order to get it. The nice thing is even if I didn't want to spend $5 on the ship module, it really wouldn't take much time to earn/mine enough dilithium to exchange for the zen, I just tend to put all of my earned dilithium into the fleet unless I have a project that needs it, which is pretty seldom.

I'm glad they added ship loadouts. It makes it easy to swap your best gear out between ships so that you can use whichever one you want for a task instead of using one and having seven (or more) collecting dust.

Comment Re:Rift (Score 1) 181

This is how I feel about Star Trek Online. It's not the greatest game, but you can play through the storyline and participate in combat or events without ever feeling like the game is giving unfair advantages to paying players. It's probably one of the most fair systems I have seen in a free MMO and I have spent small amounts over the course of several years on it specifically because I wanted to help support it.

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