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Comment Re:another design cue from apple? (Score 1) 408

>> one that turns out to be the old-generation of the windows logo
Well, that is another modifier key, called super in nix type OSes. Quite handy, in fact, if you need to use a lot of keyboard shortcuts.

>> one that engages the right click on the mouse (why?)
That brings up a context menu, making keyboard-only navigation in many apps quite fast and convenient (eg. text processor, file manager

>> and one called Alt-Gr
That is a very useful key, that allows printing extra characters on standard 101 key keyboards. Quite a handful of EU languages use those on daily basis, not to mention people who know the difference between m-, n- dashes, minus-dash and are not afraid of using other typographic symbols.

But I guess you are one of those kids that think that keyboard could use less keys. I mean who uses all the function keys anyway, right? Then all the other keys, just leave the alphanumeric and you should be set.

Comment Re:Well, it's something. (Score 5, Insightful) 308

Exactly. Unfortunately this is tactics of sweeping the dirt under the rug. Shutting your eyes and pretending it's not happening. I don't understand why noone in their right mind thinks that hiding criminal activity reports will stop crime, but are sure that if we remove all child abuse pictures from the internet, then the problem will solve itself.

Comment Re:The real losers from such a move (Score 1) 378

Oh come on. The companies won't lose a dime in this. They will still make the contract and just make termination fee equal to the 2-year contract cost, so they'll still get the money. And it's only fair that they don't get to decide what the user does with his phone (he still pays for the damn thing).

Comment Re:It's a contract, guys... (Score 3, Informative) 378

This might come as a surprise, but in Europe we have unlocked subsidized phones. You are effectively locked in by the contract, no need to add overhead and inconvenience by locking down the phone. The company still gets the money in full, providing a long-term hidden loan bundled with service, exactly as planned. And users get to use local SIM cards when going abroad, without paying the extortionist roaming fees.
Locking down hardware is nothing more than an attempt at cash-grab by imposing extra inconveniences for the user (you still pay for the phone over the course of two years, except you still don't get to own it, great deal).

Comment Re:"The only problem? It's GMO." (Score 5, Informative) 400

Apparently you haven't read the study itself. Which was conducted on mice genetically predisposed to cancer and that during the process control groups were changed so that results would better fit the theory of cancer-inducing GMO. Articles are being removed, because the study was a conducted with so many violations it's result cannot be trusted and since independent attempts to reproduce the results of the study, conducted thoroughly have not come to the same conclusions. But, please, go ahead and don't let facts get in your way of fear-mongering.

Comment Re:Anything that bypasses the carriers/manufacture (Score 1) 182

Visa PayWave is based on NFC, so, basically any phone with it will work, same for "one touch pairing".
"Burst fire" for cam is purely software feature.
Take a look at Nexus 4, then back at your G4, then again at Nexus 4, then look at the price of Nexus 4, then at the price of your G4, then go in the corner and wheep. On the way there you might buy an aftermarket Qi charging coil for your G4.

Comment Re:The migration will save the government some 1.5 (Score 3, Interesting) 93

Well, most of the users don't care what Office Suite they don't know how to use.
Training is actually minimal. The main boost is that documents can be saved and viewed without lockin to OS and office suit. It also removes dependency on Microsoft and might give a little boost to small businesses, that won't have to buy office and windows in order to communicate with the government, so that migration decision might make a lot of sense.

Comment Re:Windows is an option today - not an requirement (Score 3, Interesting) 373

Yeah, because BSD worked out so nicely for FreeBSD and others in the family. And BSD community is now thriving, thanks to all the commits and return of code from the most open OS - iOS and OS X. Oh, wait, they don't? Ah, who cares about facts, when I can throw dirt at GPL, because those dirty programmers won't let me take the source add some stuff for incompatibility and then sell it off as my own, without sharing source code with the users, they 're clearly infringing on my entitlement to their work.

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