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Comment Re:Great.... (Score 1) 339

But that's the problem. G+ is just fine. Even if it's better than Facebook (look the same to me) then it's not better by a much. Not better enough for others to switch. Why would you switch, if they are pretty much freaking clones.

And shoving G+ down users throats is causing gag reflex, so sad to see company that used to win users by being the best in the field (GMail, Search, YouTube) is down to such cheap promotion methods.

I kind of like G+ at first, but when all this nonsence started with killing off GTalk and replacing it with Hangouts (super-tightly tied into G+), then even stock Gallery on Android is biting the dust, being replaced by G+ Photos (Picasa was shot in the head much earlier). I came to pretty much hate G+, because Google does everything so force me there, sacrificing good projects so this DOA project can sustain some kind of existence.

Comment Re:Windows XP still at 28.98% (Score 3, Insightful) 470

Office 2013 is an abomination and I'd rather it ran off a cliff. The font anti-aliasing and hinting have been broken and make my eyes bleed, the interface is worse than in 2010, less function more showing off.
The typing animation, that draws symbols on screen with a second or so delay is even worse (yeah, I understand it's for tablet users, so they don't feel like they're painfully slow when typing, but you could at least disable it on desktops, where it creates the impression of deadly slow computer).

Comment Re:another design cue from apple? (Score 1) 408

>> one that turns out to be the old-generation of the windows logo
Well, that is another modifier key, called super in nix type OSes. Quite handy, in fact, if you need to use a lot of keyboard shortcuts.

>> one that engages the right click on the mouse (why?)
That brings up a context menu, making keyboard-only navigation in many apps quite fast and convenient (eg. text processor, file manager

>> and one called Alt-Gr
That is a very useful key, that allows printing extra characters on standard 101 key keyboards. Quite a handful of EU languages use those on daily basis, not to mention people who know the difference between m-, n- dashes, minus-dash and are not afraid of using other typographic symbols.

But I guess you are one of those kids that think that keyboard could use less keys. I mean who uses all the function keys anyway, right? Then all the other keys, just leave the alphanumeric and you should be set.

Comment Re:Well, it's something. (Score 5, Insightful) 308

Exactly. Unfortunately this is tactics of sweeping the dirt under the rug. Shutting your eyes and pretending it's not happening. I don't understand why noone in their right mind thinks that hiding criminal activity reports will stop crime, but are sure that if we remove all child abuse pictures from the internet, then the problem will solve itself.

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