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Comment Re:Yet another anti-Obama article (Score 1) 258

  • most did not carry their arms openly

Yes, funnily enough, some of them didn't even carry arms at all. Which makes you correct in stating that they don't qualify as PoWs – they're *kidnapping victims*.

And then there is of course the whole matter of allegations vs something that might hold up a court of law (whether you're going to use one or not), and terrorism vs resistance.

Comment Re:Slowaris Delenda Est (Score 1, Troll) 154

The "common" Windows/Linux admin has no idea what it's like to support "classy" hardware instead of cheap throwaway PCs.

And they'd probably be quite happy to not have to deal with crappy (package/patch) management software, insecure-by-default, and waiting days for support people to fix nonstandard hardware because "the disk is on order".

But yes, there's also a certain charm to dealing with equipment costing several hundred thousands / millions of dollars and old-fashioned unixen.

Comment Re:God it feels good to be an American!!!!!!! (Score 4, Insightful) 621

In terms of numbers, Stalin's atrocities are off the chart; Bush/Cheney/Obama are peanuts in comparison.

However, saying that the other guy was 1000x worse shouldn't be valid defense when it comes to war crimes, atrocities, tyranny and oppression(*). And – saying that it was the other guy who did it, I just let him get away with it, shouldn't be a defense either.

(*) Though, it is interesting to note that several Germans had their sentences commuted during the Nüremberg trials for crimes that had also been committed by the allies.

Comment Re:Why are we even paying employees? (Score 1) 1103

Looks like the US is (like any great empire) fundamentally built on slavery (and war). It may have changed its form to suit the times, but that's what it is. Anything that interferes with free access to cheap slave-like labor becomes a legitimate target for intervention or invasion (cf. Haiti, Venezuela, practically any other country in South America, and many other places in the world).

The US hasn't gone through the same process of weaning itself off slavery and war, like the European powers were forced to after WW2, when they lost their grip on their colonies. Not that Europe is entirely clean either; with the reliance on cheap products from sweat shops in Asia.

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