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Comment Re:Rand Paul is the only honest politician left. (Score 1) 380

My assertion is more that their movement seems to be driven by fear

i don't think so... i think fear is the tool of the republican and democrat parties

the tea party and the libertarian movements are increasing in popularity because they cut through the fear mongering by the duopoly

the only fear that the tea party instills is in republican and democratic politicians who fear losing their power

the tea party (like libertarians) isn't really left or right... it's just anti-big government

there are anarchists in the tea party, but the majority understands that government has a limited role to play in national defence (opposed to military interventionism and empire building) and some other things. there are different ideas, but that's healthy in any party and shouldn't be feared.

all the propaganda about the tea party shutting down government and threatening US default is just that... propaganda, and if anyone looks beyond what they see on Fox and CNN it's pretty obvious that the tea party is not the problem

Comment Re:Temporal Control Circuits (Score 1) 127

elite/ruling class were the only ones with gold jewelry

well duh... the elite/ruling class were the only ones who could afford such a valuable commodity

I think I would stock up on salt like a mofo

there's nothing wrong with salt (or other spices) as a commodity... they just aren't as valuable as gold (pound for pound)

if someone with a pound of gold came up to you with your stockpile of salt, do you really think that pound of gold would only buy a pound of salt... in any scenario or any timeline?

Comment Re:Rand Paul is the only honest politician left. (Score 1) 380

the tea party started out being all about limited government... and i think for the most part still is. there are no doubt agents (probably from within government) in the process of dividing tea party elements, but the ubiquity of the internet has made it difficult.

there are a lot of republicans who don't stand for limited government, but these politicians are becoming increasingly concerned about their election prospects as the libertarian movement pushes aspiring limited government representatives into the limelight.

i'm not a tea party guy... i also consider myself to be libertarian, agreeing with most of ron paul's ideas about non-interference of government with personal habits, economics and foreign policy. peter schiff is my favorite economist. i'm also not religious.

i didn't mean to lump you in with anyone, but i disagree with the source you linked to. i think there are many more sources that highlight that obama is a much bigger spender than bush. having said that, bush was as much a big government socialist as obama.

Comment Re:Rand Paul is the only honest politician left. (Score 1) 380

maybe you're looking at figures the same way that the government does...
- calculating unemployment by excluding those unemployed that have become discouraged and stopped looking for work
- calculating the cpi by excluding food and energy items

like most democrats and even some in the gop, president obama is a big government socialist... only the tea party, libertarian movements and independents are drumming up an ever increasing level of support for reducing government spending and powers back to that envisaged by the founding fathers.

Comment Re:Temporal Control Circuits (Score 1) 127

gold was widely valued for jewellery and money long before the age of electronics

so if you trip over a huge gold nugget after SHTF you'll just leave it?

also, in SHTF scenario, all fiat currencies would be wiped out and unless you had something of real value to barter you would starve... pound for pound, gold has been one of the most highly valued commodies in the world since before the ancient egyptians... no action by any NWO will change that

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