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Comment Cognitive elite? More like distracted mess. (Score 0) 671

It's hard to imagine that the discrepancy between what a candidate has on his/her resume and what a candidate is actually capable of could have ever been greater. There are kids coming out of college that are barely literate and totally incapable of communication with people outside of their own social circle. The real kicker is that they're wildly confident and clueless about their own limitations.

Comment Re:Publicity stunt (Score 1) 870

What about the ridiculous 20 year old technology tracking device the FBI installed on a students car? Search Wired if you don't know what I'm talking about. It was a huge black box with a gigantic whip antenna secured to the underside of his car using zip-ties and magnets glued to a stick. I'm sorry but I don't buy the idea that the US Gov is full of tech wizards and the latest and greatest equipment.

Comment Re:Petty Gossip? (Score 1) 870

Instructing your foreign diplomats to collect biometric data and credit card information on politicians in their host country isn't really what I would call petty. It's what I would call spying. And when it happens in countries like Sweden (which it did, read the section called "Diplomats Helping American Spies" in NYTimes) then it seems particularly odd.

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