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Comment Eat More Cow! Spreading of Fear ? (Score -1, Flamebait) 113

Eat more cows and pigs, go to McDonalds and just do it like you don't care!
Throw your hands up in the air, say its in only in our D-N-A.

Continue this lifestyle of eating other animals and we will face these widespread of viruses and other nasty illnesses that come from overbreeding, over mating of the same animals and poor conditions in which they live in. We keep these living and thinking, conscious beings in cages, bred them to become our food and jail them in harsh conditions. We don't really care about anything else than the end product. We forget about what happens between the Animal and the Meat. We pump them full of steroids, vacciness, hormones and other sickening mixes of chemical cocktails. Then we eat the meat, and wonder why we get sick ?

Isn't it obvious ? You are what you eat. Go raw! Plants, vegetables & fruit don't catch viruses. Unprocessed raw food is the Nature's Solution. The Cows eat it when they live in a natural environment, why couldn't we ?

And don't bring up the age old argument that "It is how we have evolved, it is in our DNA, it is in our cells!". It has been proven time and time again that we are a empty slate when we arrive to this world. Our body can survive on the smallest things if we have the will power to overcome the addiction to meat and dairy products.

Don't you wonder why we drink milk ? It is not healthy for you or your children! These same cows that are pumped full of hormones produce the milk we feed to our children, and then we spend billions of dollards yearly in health care to fix the problem .. oh yeah, the Medical Companies get their share this way, of course we eat meat and drink milk! Eat more cows and drink more milk! The US government tells you to do so! Got Milk?

If you have a strong immune system that is not poisoned by Poisoned Food Products (recommended by the FDA of course), you will not catch viruses so easily. Eating Raw gives you this strong immune system, as you are not being bombarded all the time with unhealthy, rotting meat. Think about it.

But .. I guess our habits die hard and those who continue their habits may die even harder.
Seriously, this sounds like another excuse to sell us billions worth of vaccinations. Here in Finland, tens, if not hundreds children got poisoned with Baxters bird flu vaccinations and now have serious nervous damage from the mercury used in the vaccinations. They have trouble staying awake and focusing on normal everyday things. They fall asleep randomly and cannot function normally. Their lives are basically ruined.

Through promotion of Fear we are being treated like Cattle. The big bosses running our medical companies and those responsible for buying medicine for our nations are purchased with ridiculous amounts of money. The local medicine distributors get bonuses for buying certain amounts of vaccines. Here in Finland we spend millions and millions of tax payers money last time to purchase 5.3 million doses of the vaccine manufactured by Baxter. Everywhere in the mass media Fear was spread by telling that the Bird Flu is coming, go take your vaccinations, NOW!

People were lining up to take the poisonous vaccinations. There were fights on the vaccination lines, because there was rumours of shortages spreading, again in the yellow press and mass media. Those who didn't take the vaccine were looked upon like they were betraying their country and placing everyone into danger. This was enough for our milkfed, cow -like people to feel mass pressured to take the vaccine.

And after we found out that these kids nervous systems were permanently damaged ? We dismissed the vaccines. This might be another attempt of Mass Poisoning our Nations, so that we cannot think straight and are no longer an opposing force to those who are in power. Think about it. Think what you eat.

PS. Why do you think they want us to eat Cow and Pig meat? Drink their milk? You are what you eat. They want us to become cattle products, easily manipulated, calm and non-dangerous, stupid humans who buy more stuff, do what they are being told and stay in their mass media promoted stalls of spiritual cages.

Comment Re:That video was INCREDIBLE! (Score 1) 467

I hear you out brother. If I can Visualize it, I can Understand it. For me it was always hard to understand how Math works also, because I tried to learn the algorhithms and equations without even understanding what they represented. For me it was really hard to learn math or physics this way, I need something visual to show me what is happening and then I can connect the dots and let my Visual Thinking do the magic for me.

Comment ADHD is an invented Syndrome (Score 1) 611

Right on. I could easily get a ADHD -diagnose if I wanted to, it's just made up words to keep those bright young minds under medication and ultimately, under control. Addicted, hooked to the medical system.

ADHD is an inventend syndrome. Something to sell more Big Pharma Drugs to our kids, or more precisely, adults who think that their children need this. If kids were really told about what these so-called ADHD -drugs do to their system, they would use their Common Sense (kids still have it) and determine that this is toxic to their system.

This is why it's called ADHD. So we'll get confused what is happening. Oh, it's ADHD! Yeah, my kid has that too. Oh, your kid is not listening to the lies they are being showed down their throats in school? Give them some Adderal!

And at the same time we are forgetting wtf we are doing, giving kids highly addictive and behaviour changing drugs. Imagine if you had been growing up while taking amphetamine every day ? What kind human would you grow up to be? What kind of psychological reactions are forming in these kids bodies and minds as they are growing up while being under the influence of this stuff?

Putting amphetamines on these young kids bodies will get them concentrated, sure. It's goddamn amphetamine. Amphetamine is used to keep soldiers awake and functioning as machines of war. Hitler used to get shots of amphetamine in his eye given by his medical staff everyday. Amphetamine is what fueled the Finnish Army during the cold war. It's goddamn amphetamine! Nothing to play around with, really.

This performance driven, money-overcomes-everything society wants to produce happy little worker drones, who are ready and willing to work those 60-80 hour weeks, no questions asked. Adderal and other psyche altering drugs are the tools for keeping us concentrated, sedated, happy little numb people that we are. Feeling depressed? Here, take this! Bing, no emotions, you are a Robot, ready to go to work 5 days a week.

Is anyone asking what side-effects this stuff has ? Blocking of emotions ? Rail-driven thinking ? Not seeing the big picture, focusing on little things ?

Kids shouldn't need any psyche-altering medications to begin with. What they need is just some love and care.

Comment Re:Well it's hot and techy, what could go wrong? (Score 1) 268

You do realize you don't have to put in lots of information, don't you? There's very, very, very little that Facebook actually requires you to enter.

You do realize that Facebook is _designed_ so that you are encouraged to input as much as information all the time? And that this encouragement comes from the fact how the system is built. So everytime I use Facebook, I feel like it's trying to trap me into inputting more data about myself, or make me change the privacy settings every other month, or do something to _actively prevent_ Facebook from getting my location/photos/information etc etc.

The system is inherently designed to annoy the crap out of the user with constant illusion of New Data coming in from my "so called friends". It is designed to keep the user hooked, and never let go. This can get very annoying over time, even if I had very little data in the system. If you like it, fine go ahead, use it as you do. I find the place to be a huge waste of energy Ultimately. What can you do with Facebook that cannot be done more efficiently with other systems ?

Do we really need this one, huge place to store all of our data and let one big vendor to decide what to do with this data ?

Comment Re:Awesome (Score 2) 156

I claim the backseat with my boyfriend...

It's a shame he and I can't help to create a new human race on your Brave New World, but not for lack of zeal, I assure you.

You can't ? Why Not ? Who is stopping you ? Somebody else or ultimately, yourselves? If we want change, we have to Become the Change. There is no other way. Just do it! Live your dreams.

The mass media and government wants you to stay put, stay mentally ill, stay hypnotized by the TV and News. Stay where you are right now, be afraid. This is the message that they put out there. Break that mental prison and be free, achieve your dreams. You have all it takes to do it. We have all it takes to Build a New World. Love and Light my sister.

Comment Turn the cancer transmitters on Full Blast! (Score 1) 60

You know, Battlestar Galactica had one thing that I really liked, that they used only wired communications. Maybe we should go back to wired communication also, I'm at least getting sick and tired of being blasted by 10-15 WiFI networks all the time. Go back to wires, it's faster, causes less air traffic, is more secure. What's the problem? Do we really need to use our iPads while in the toilet or while flying to another country ?

Comment (Don't) BE EVIL ! Why not "BE NICE"? :) (Score 1) 208

What do you think this kind of slogan reminds you? Of being nice? Of course not, it reminds you of first to "Be Evil", and then think about the "Dont". When will we learn that by focusing on negatives (dont do this, dont think about white rhinos) we will only remind us of the thing we are trying to negate.

When a man tries to quit smoking, all he can see is "Smoking Allowed" everywhere. Constant reminders of the thing we are trying to negate with the "NOT, DONT" operator. I believe our Human Programming doesn't really understand negatives, we should always choose the positive versions:

"Be Nice" "Friendliness Allowed"

Or such ways of expressing our thoughts. We do not understand NOT -operators in our brain, we have to first think about the thing and then try to inverse it. Takes too much energy! Why not focus right away on the positive version of the command. Think about it.

Comment Re:U.S. law is the new international law (Score 1) 1005

Thank you for writing this. One of the best comments I have read for a long time. Very informative and bold of you to say this stuff out loud, thank you sir. We are being pulled into this big control scheme, and those who have control of the music industry and movie industries have enough money to pull it off. The thing that can stop this is ACTING ON IT, doing something about it, when it hits our countries, we hit the streets and make it CLEAR AND LOUD that we are not taking this shit!

Comment Accept Death (Score 0) 536

My heartfelt condolences to her family. She was so young and so gifted, with such a future ahead of her. :(

Not trying to be cold here, but death is part of life. There is no future really, there is only this moment. Why grief for something that is not ?

Accept the fact that you and me are going to die and live life to the fullest. She sounds like she did just that. We all make choices in our lives, even the moment when we die. We are all one and playing a game where death may not seem like it is our choice, but ultimately everything we do and everything we are born with we have chosen. Death is natural.

Comment Re:They're not really stealing from bank (Score 1) 529

They're stealing from everyone, which is unacceptable. Anon has finally gone batshit insane.

How is this different from the current capitalist system? Bankers stealing from those who are in fear of losing their houses, their jobs, even their lives. The real culprits here are the bankers and rich capitalist stock manipulators who keep on making money off the skin of those who have no backbone to stand up against them.

Comment Re:Illusions (Score 1) 344

Why aren't illusions hilarious?

Illusions usually are static, there is no aspect of discovering a new view. Jokes work by first letting the audience assume that the state of things is normal, then offers a new perspective for them.

I find that humour is a way for us humans to learn new ways of looking at the world around us. Good comedians are also great at looking at the world from a different viewpoint and sharing it with the audience. Look at Jerry Seinfeld, Joe Rogan, Bill Hicks etc.. all great observers of normal things, but from a different angle than normally.

Comment Re:More nostalgia goggles (Score 2, Insightful) 401

How is this fundamentally ANY different from what video games have been doing since the dawn of time?

It is fundementally different, because of the design objectives. They are designing the game to hook the player in by putting monetary gain as the primary motivation of design, not playability or making the game fun for the players. Monetary gain is the objective of this game.

This creates very different kind of games than those that were originally designed for just the love of making videogames!

Comment Apple Cinema Display 20" .. Or the saddle chair (Score 1) 522

The Apple Cinema Display was definitely the most noticeable upgrade I have done in ages, although a costly one, cost me about 800 euros when I bought it, still using it everyday. When I purchased it I was hoping to get a Mac Pro also, but due to insufficient funds decided to go with the display and a Mac Mini, because the thing I am going to be staring all day long is more important than the performance of my system.

Although I think the new chair I got from Håg, the Capisco 8107 has been the most lifechanging one, it really is a difference to sit on a proper chair that doesn't let me slump and ruin my back in the process. Would highly recommend Cost about 1000 euros here, but well worth the money.

I have noticed that performance doesn't matter as much as ergonomics, usability and the quality of interface between me and the computer. Performance can always be boosted later, but ergonomics & interface quality is there right away, affecting you everyday, possibly even ruining your body if it is not correct.

Chairs, input devices, displays is where I put my money. Sadly these factors are often ignored in the workplace, and it's always a hussle to demand from the HR. I've had to get the same chair in two different workplaces and finally got one of these to use at home also. Now that I'm unemployed (by choice) it has really paid itself off ..

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