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Comment Re:Are you kidding me? (Score 1) 396

I think story of The Mule could translate just fine with the right writer/director/actors. Other then that I'm with you, I just do not see how they can pull it off. Even Asimov admitted he never understood why the foundation series was so popular with Sci-Fi fans as it has little of the traditional blast-em and lots of good ole dialog.

The Courts

Judge Strikes Down Part of Patriot Act 673

Shining Celebi writes "U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero ruled in favor of the ACLU and struck down a portion of the revised USA PATRIOT Act this morning, forcing investigators to go through the courts to obtain approval before ordering ISPs to give up information on customers, instead of just sending them a National Security Letter. In the words of Judge Marrero, this use of National Security Letters 'offends the fundamental constitutional principles of checks and balances and separation of powers.'"
User Journal

Journal Journal: Long weekends

I got it done! I missed the deadline by a day (didn't get it out till Thursday), but the customers seem happy. Besides, the other half of the system (being developed by an outside contractor) is MIA.

The upside is I put so many hours in that I get to take today off. The downside is I have ignored my email and voicemail since last Friday so I have a boatload of backlog to work through on Monday :-(


Journal Journal: "Real Programmers"

I learned the basics of C++ from a "C++ for Dummies" book published in the mid 1990s. The book wasn't half bad for a complete OO neophyte like I was, but that isn't what I want to talk about. The book started each chapter with a cartoon called "Real Programmers". I remember one said something to the effect that "Real Programmers" would focus on tiny little details until the deadline got close then they would finish the bulk of the project in a 72 hour marathon hackfest right before the deadl

Journal Journal: Taxes

How in the hell did people live before tax software.? I cant imagine wading through all of the forms that my tax software printed out for me.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Webslavedom

I know why programmers change jobs so often now. In a small company like mine we often work on small projects alone. When the small project is done we move to the next and so on. The problem is eventually the old projects start to need TLC.

I'm getting to the point where I'm doing so much TLC on old projects that I hardly have time to work on my current project.

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