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Comment Years Behind (Score 1) 447

Let's be like the auto industry and play "catch up". This stuff should have happend years ago.

Sure the government could track my spendings, but guess what I want to track my spending, see trends, create budgets, etc...all without having to deal with 17 different companies (thank god for; oh wait I'm sure they're datamining my transactions too).

Once we all go digital credits we just need to make sure we don't have monopolistic companies controlling the digital dollars and that there isn't some nonsensically high bar to get into that market for new companies.

But that's probably a laughable dream for this US citizen (with papers).

Comment Don't Need? (Score 1, Redundant) 352

Could someone explain exactly why an author (which I am not) of a written work is unable to release his/her content to the masses without the need of a publisher?

I imagine I can publish a document to an ebook store (which I am assuming is not considered a "publisher" since it is a "store") or even a website for purchase and bypass the need for these publishing companies.

Of course my imagination can be rather wild so maybe this ease is out of the scope of reality.

Comment Iterate Faster (Score 2) 304

Get a scrum master (not a project manager, those are worthless). Train people in Agile or at least some form of iterative process if you decide against an Agile environment.

Since your delivery rates are slipping start estimating time for projects and see which give the most value; complete those first.

This whole idea that things can wait a year to be looked at was ridiculous in 1990. If you're not interative already you're decades behind.

Comment Re:Student Loans (Score 1) 651

Being that a 4 year degree is becoming de-facto and you have to start standing out with graduate level degrees in your field I do agree with a revamp of education costs.

I'd love to say that it should all be about the return on my investment, which I think college has already given me, but the focus shouldn't necessarily be on the monetary amount of return.

Higher education is there to develop you as a person, not train you for a particular profession. Which is something I think a lot of people ignore.

Comment Student Loans (Score 2) 651

Would be what I spent the most on last year. Not complaining, it was worth more than I could ever pay and made me a better person; but damn expensive!

They really need to up the deduction amount on your income tax for qualified student loan interest, $2500 for a whole year is a little outdated imo.

Comment Web Development (Score 2) 506

I've seen tons of Drupal, HTML 5, jQuery and jQuery Mobile job openings (those are all "open source" if you will).

It also seems that at least in the past few weeks the number of job hunters that have been contacting myself and co-workers has increased, which is hopefully a good sign for my unemployed brother and sister college grads...

Comment Re:3d is annoying (Score 2) 404


Please don't disgrace Bollywood dance scenes to that of American 3D entertainment; at least one of them actually adds entertaining value to the film.

How have you not been swept off your feet by the elegantly inserted dance of Asoka?!

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