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Comment Re:How's about a carrot instead of a stick? (Score 1) 1089

Say, a $10 tax credit if you submit your poll receipt? Or maybe civic minded companies could provide incentives: Starbucks gives you $2 off your next purchase with a voting receipt?

Quite a few companies do this. There are a bunch of places where you can get a free cup of coffee if you show your "I Voted" sticker.

Comment Re:Then ID would be required (Score 2) 1089

in Australia, you turn up to the polling station (usually a local school or whatever), go to the desk and tell them your name. they look it up in their lists of voters, and cross your name off. Then they initial and hand you your ballot papers which you take to a private voting booth and fill out. Then you fold them and drop them into the ballot boxes (one for the house of reps, one for the senate). done.

In the last few elections, the Australian Electoral Commission (an independant govt body who have the responsibility for running elections) have been mailing out helpful voter cards with your name and IIRC your address on it which you can show at the desk. These cards are completely optional, you can still vote if you forget to bring it or have lost it or never got it, and you still don't have to show any ID.

Incidentally, this is how it works in the state of New York. Except it's a scannable, bubble type of form, so you don't fold it, but rather feed it into a little scanner that then drops it in a box.

Comment Re:It is time to get up one way or the other (Score 1) 1089

As I understand, in the US you get to choose one from two candidates (unlike in my country where there are 20 or so parties etc you get a lot to choose from in the first round). What if both choices are bad?

Well, that's very complicated. What people and parties are listed on the ballot is essentially controlled by the individual states. The two major parties and all the minor parties essentially agree internally (usually with public voting, though) what people we be on the ballot under that party -- so for them, it's actually that what parties are on the ballot is controlled by the individual states. Rules very by state, as does success, so the ballots are not consistent from one state to another. (So yes, a minor party could be on the ballot in some states and not others.) In my opinion, this is all for historical reasons.

In practice, in most states, there are actually quite a few Presidential candidates on the ballot. However, for a lot of reasons, it's very rarely the case that anyone other than the major two parties' candidates have any hope of winning. Slightly more likely is that one or two minor parties act as "spoilers" that draw a small but significant group of voters away from one of the major parties (see: Green, Libertarian, Tea, Ross Perot). So functionally, there are two candidates, but the ballot actually has quite a few entries.

Comment Re:Not just for government. (Score 1) 155

Static pages for a personal site work fine. Lack of SSL means heartbleed didn't touch my server.

Heartbleed is a data-disclosure vulnerability. If you're not using SSL and you purport to host only pages that contain no sensitive or private information whatsoever, then what would Heartbleed--if it affected you--even disclose?

Comment Re:Only on some... (Score 3, Insightful) 155

Only if you're okay with a network-privileged attacker (someone on the wire--what HTTPS is designed to defend against) from:
* Recording what pages you're visiting
* Undetectably modifying the information presented on those pages
* Injecting their own advertising, browser-level tracking mechanism, or malware

There's a solid business case for HTTPS-encrypting static pages with minimal privacy risks, just because of the threat of having unauthorized parties (i.e., ISPs) inject their own advertising.

Comment Re:Enlighten me please (Score 1) 450

I really like the almost-no-ports Macbook Air. I also really see the utility of what you describe, since I'd like exactly such a thing as well. (We have something close.) The portable ton-of-ports-in-a-box laptop as a tech tool is very useful. But really, those are two very different products. It's completely true that Apple just doesn't make the latter product.

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