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Comment Re:"Peak Oil" (Score 0) 467

Strategy isn't what they are going for though. If that was their goal, yours is better, yes. But the goal is lower prices and independence. Whether or not it is a good tactical play is irrelevant because this solution satisfies it's goals (that is how politicians solve problems, as you can see).

Comment Hey guys (Score 0) 347

Do any of you have a link to the patent in question? Then maybe we could speculate on it's validity and share some opinions. I would like to see it, personally. There is always the chance that it is a real innovation, and we should look into it. That way we can decide if the pre-webernet patent is relevant in application to the internet. I am not implying that this is not a patent troll, I'm just saying that maybe we should look at each case individually. Still, I quote the linked article: "TQP is just a small part of Spangenberg’s empire of 247 IP-focused companies, most of which were created with the sole purpose of holding patents and filing lawsuits against those unlucky enough to infringe them." If any of the cases gain traction in the legal system, surely a competent judge will throw the case out because of the basis of his business? Right?

OTH, if the litigated firms can just parry the court stuff for six more years then it won't really matter. But seeing how fast things are progressing with tech recently (with the tech sector being integrated with all the sectors, so prevalant!), this is probably an important topic. Especially since I my bank's website and various retailers utilize SSL, this may impact the customer base of many companies.

Also, do we have another security thing that we could use instead of SSL if we need to?

Comment They can fuck off (Score 0) 510

It's a bullshit law, just like our health insurance law. Why should I be FORCED to buy something through a middle-man? Car dealerships can go fuck themselves. With health insurance, why should I be FORCED to buy it, or be PUNISHED for not buying it? If you are a citizen living in Massachusetts, you are forced by law to purchase things from corporations because you live there. Someone fucking explain that bullshit.

Comment Re:First impressions on Surface (Score 0) 403

I can't run real cad apps on android and ipad either. There are shitty autocad drawing readers, but it isn't like I can run a full parametric program like solidworks on it. Can't really do any work at all, for that matter. The devices are built around consuming content: watching, reading, looking, listengin, buying. Not creating or working at all. That is why the first computing device that I buy instead of build on my own is going to be a windows 8 surface tablet. It is the right fit for me.

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