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Submission + - Denver must prove red-light cameras improve safety (

An anonymous reader writes: An audit of accidents at Denver intersections where red light cameras were installed versus increasing the length of the yellow light shows little difference in the results. In a case of putting the public ahead of the corporation, the Denver auditor is recommending cancelling the red light camera program unless the city can prove a public-safety benefit.

Comment Re:PCI (Score 5, Insightful) 517

While you make a good point that Visa and MC won't sit on their asses about data, that is only from a PCI perspective. And realistically its trivially easy to maintain PCI compliance and have an insecure product.

What I would recommend however is work through a professional service like Secunia: They can lend credibility to your claim and they provide what I personally would describe as an ethical approach to remediation. I would strongly not recommend any further testing on your part unless you are prepared to deal with legal consequences. Not that I agree with companies going after researchers, but it does happen.

Good luck.

Comment Re:what's the problem? (Score 2) 203

Not quite:

"I've noticed that you have cleaning products under your sinks. Didn't you know that those chemicals could be combined to make a bomb. I'm sorry, I'll have to take you to jail now. Whats that, you want to resist arrest, how silly. I'm sorry about your daddy 2 year old son, but he was a terrorist. Now please ready yourself to be probed for further explosives by our professional TSA agent."

You were close, but not quite there.

Submission + - Scientist Creates Super Deadly Virus, Some Want Re ( 1

Pierre Bezukhov writes: A Dutch researcher has created a virus with the potential to kill half of the planet’s population. Now, researchers and experts in bioterrorism debate whether it is a good idea to publish the virus creation ”recipe”. However, several voices argue that such research should have not happened in the first place.

The virus is a strain of avian influenza H5N1 genetically modified to be extremely contagious. It was created by researcher Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands. The work was first presented at a conference dedicated to influenza, that took place in September in Malta.

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