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Comment Re:Whose Eyes? (Score 1) 95

The [many-eyes] hypothesis doesn't even come into play until the existence of the bug is known.

If that is so, then it doesn't help much with security, where finding exploitable bugs (and doing so before they are exploited) is usually the hard part.

Precisely. It's not that the hypothesis is wrong, it's just that it doesn't apply.

This doesn't reduce the value of open source for security software, because while it gives both white hats and black hats a great deal of help with finding vulnerabilities, the nature of security research means that the white hat side benefits more. Open source software, developed in public, also makes it more difficult for the likes of the NSA to insert back doors, because it's not just a matter of paying (or threatening) some company to insert the compromise. That's not to say it can't be done. I'm quite certain it is done. But it's harder, and it's more likely to be discovered and removed.

Comment Re:Does not work (Score 1) 260

This. The problem with porn is that it presents an extremely skewed view of sex, which can seriously interfere with a normal, healthy sex life. Most people don't look like porn stars, and many -- especially women -- have no interest in doing many of the acts commonly portrayed. Anal sex, for example, is a porn staple but something relatively few women have any interest in. Porn also presents sex as a casual and purely physical thing for the most part, which leads people -- especially but not exclusively young people -- to see casual hookups as a good thing, while in reality most people who pursue a lifestyle of casual sex find it to be unfulfilling. And then there are the dangers of unprotected sex, which porn also portrays and thereby encourages.

I've read stories of men who found that they had to close their eyes and envision their favorite porn star in order to climax with their girlfriend or wife. That is really, really sad, because it means that they're missing out on the deepest part of the sexual experience, the bonding with a life partner.

In a nutshell, porn can and often does ruin real sex, replacing it with a shallow imitation.

Comment Re:That's unpossible. (Score 1) 212

Rather, I'd say that it's a somewhat reduced inefficiency during the winter. An efficient system wouldn't produce the waste heat to begin with.

Not going to happen without violating the second law of thermodynamics.

Obviously, some waste heat will always be produced. Internal combustion engines, however, waste 75% of the input energy as heat.

Comment Re:That's unpossible. (Score 1) 212

An electrical outlet is not at the boundary of a closed thermodynamic system. With an electric car, the waste heat is produced at the power plant before the energy is converted to electricity and sent on its way to you in the first place.

Of course. And there are also transmission losses. However, large plants have significantly higher efficiencies than small engines. Net, EVs powered by oil-fired power plants use less oil per mile traveled than gasoline engines, by a large margin, even when you include electric cabin heat.

Comment Re:Location, location, location (Score 1) 212

But how much pollution is created with the creation of solar panels?

Large scale solar power plants don't usually use solar panels. They are of the Concentrated Solar Power variety. The environmental impact of producing the large number of mirrors and motorized mounts required for these plants is pretty small.

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