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Submission + - Bing Continues to Gain on Google (

lightbox32 writes: Bing, long the search underdog, is gaining on Google. Experian Hitwise puts their market share at 27.4 percent in January, up 6 percent from December. This of course is still a far shot from Google's 68%.

Submission + - TI Plans Minority Report UI : ARM SoC + Projector (

siliconbits writes: Texas Instruments wants to deliver a Minority Report-like user interface by combining its just-announced OMAP 5 platform, which is based on two Cortex A15 cores, with one of its own DLP pico projectors and a camera. The US semiconductor giant wants to pioneer the use of so-called next generation natural user interfaces by adding hardware support for stereoscopic 3D, gesturing including proximity sensor and interactive projection. This is reminiscent of the SixthSense, a wearable device invented by Pranav Mistry, which was demoed back in March 2009 by the then-PhD student of MIT's Media Lab Fluid Interfaces Group at TED.

Submission + - Steve Ballmer feeling the heat (

hostedftp writes: It seems Steve Ballmer and Microsoft is feeling some pain as missteps in cloud computing, mobile phones, and tablets has opened the door for other competitors to have a jump on the tech giant. The mistakes made by Microsoft is leading to speculation of further changes to their management team as the beginning started with the lay off of Bob Muglia the respected 23 year veteran who ran the server division.

Comment Re:Physics (Score 1) 151

I'm not a doctor but my understanding is that during systole (cardiac compression) blood leaves the heart at high pressure (120mm Hg). By expanding, the aorta helps buffer this rise in pressure, and helps gets blood flowing at a constant rate and pressure in the arteoles. If the aorta can't expand due to the corset this high pressure burst will continue further down the circulatory system.

Comment Re:Devil's advocate (Score 1) 725

This is how things work in a capitalist society. In the same way that companies do not care about customers beyond their money, most people will only look at the price. Quality, service and other factors come in a distant second place. Try telling a company "I've always been a loyal customer but this time I can only pay $x because my son needs a new pair of sneakers for school". The day companies start caring about something else then revenue is the day the consumer may start looking at something other than price.

Submission + - Hackers steal Walgreens email list (

lightbox32 writes: Pharmacy giant Walgreens had to swallow some bitter medicine on Friday when it told customers that a computer criminal had stolen its e-mail marketing list. The criminal used the list to send out realistic-looking spam that asked recipients to enter their personal information into a Web page controlled by hackers. In an ironic twist even customers who had opted out of receiving marketing materials via e-mail from Walgreens had their addresses stolen.
Walgreens spokesman Michael Polzin said criminals so far have not attempted to imitate Walgreens corporate logo in the phishing e-mail they sent to consumers.

The Internet

Submission + - Protect Your Pre-1997 IP Address (

CWmike writes: With IPv4 space running out any day now, is your legacy IP address space safe? Computerworld columnist Marc Lindsey writes that if your company obtained its IP address space before 1997, you have probably received several letters from the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) encouraging you to enter into a contractual agreement to protect the IP address. But should you sign it? he asks. Be careful — there are several issues you should consider before signing up for this, writes Lindsey, who offers a deep look at the issue.

Submission + - Using Another Person's SSN Is Not A Crime (

lightbox32 writes: In what appears to be an odd twist, using someone else's Social Security Number is not a crime. In a recent ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court, a man who used his real name but someone else's Social Security number to obtain a car loan was found not guilty of "criminal impersonation".

Submission + - Windows 7 Phone Gets Jailbreak Tool (

An anonymous reader writes: Developers have released a “jailbreak” tool for Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7, allowing the handsets to run any application, not just those approved for distribution through Microsoft’s Marketplace.

although reminiscent of jailbreak tools for the iPhone, this tool, called ChevronWP7, addresses a feature missing in Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7. It allows corporations to develop proprietary applications and install them on users’ handsets without the need to first place the application on Marketplace, as is currently required by Microsoft.


Submission + - Could Cars Be Grown In A Lab? (

ElectricSteve writes: Picture a production process that has plenty in common with agar jelly (used to culture organic materials in laboratories) and little in common with what we would normally think of as production-line automotive manufacturing. You are starting to get close to what the people at Mercedes-Benz have spawned with the BIOME – one of the most outlandish and ambitious concepts in this year's Los Angeles Design Challenge. In short, the BIOME would be grown in a lab rather than built on a production line.

Submission + - Google & Apple Accused of "No Poaching" Deal

lightbox32 writes: According to today's Wall Street Journal several of the U.S.'s largest technology companies, which include Google Inc., Apple Inc., Intel Corp., Adobe Systems Inc., Intuit Inc. and Walt Disney Co. unit Pixar Animation, are in the final stages of negotiations with the Justice Department to avoid a court battle over whether they colluded to hold down wages by agreeing not to poach each other's employees.

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