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Comment Re:hypocritical ignorant victim (Score 0) 448

my judgement is not in question. the hypocritical ignorant victim's judgement is.

your equivalent requestioning of my own judgement in bringing forth such judgements is implicitly hypocritical... that is not a judgement... it's a fact... a fact that leads to another fact... you're an idiot. would an idiot know that he was an idiot? would he be an idiot if he would?

you're an idiot.

Comment Re:hypocritical ignorant victim (Score 0) 448

ignorant that others might believe that a man with a password didn't understand the purpose of that password.

hypocritical for utilizing the media to further destroy a life that has already been brought justice and sentenced for a crime whose tort was largely the same utilization of the media.

you're an idiot.

Comment Re:hypocritical ignorant victim (Score 0) 448

because it takes a sociopath to understand the potential for war, or that it's going on right now and people are being killed... only a sociopath would attempt to think about such problems and find the root causes and attempt to squelch them.

only an IDIOT would suggest such things... perhaps why you were too cowardly to attach your ideas to your own reputation? do you just like to play idiot?

you are NOTHING

Comment Re:The last 25% (Score 1) 368

way to miss the point. consumers of oil completely destroy the shared resource they rely on. no one else can ever use that oil again. it's GONE.

property rights are only as simple as someone else who claim's those same property rights allows them to be. if you think this is a simple issue, you're an idiot.

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