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Comment Bravo, but what's with this "likely" nonsense? (Score 1) 345

What's with this "likely" adjective crap? Did the judge actual use that adjective or did the media add that word? (I did RTFA.) The article quotes are forceful.

So what's with this with "likely" BS? Nobody ever says breaking into somebody's home without permission and stealing stuff is "likely illegal". What's with the double standard?

Submission + - Why Valve's SteamOS Could Be Revolutionary (

Dotnaught writes: Lanica's Eric Wing argues that SteamOS and Steam Machines have the potential to finally bring Linux to the masses. This is Valve competing in the console business. "Steam Machines expose and exploit the fact that there is no longer anything special or unique about video game consoles that commodity PC parts and a specialized fork of Linux can't do too," says Wing.

Comment Re:Can I get kitkat on all the past versions of Ne (Score 3, Interesting) 310

an 18 month update window

The iPhone might not be any better (I don't know and don't care) but that's fucking pathetic.

iPhone 3GS shipped with iOS 3.0 in June 17, 2009.
Final iOS update was 6.1.3 in March 19, 2013.

That is 45 months. (Past performance does not guarantee future results.)

Comment Re:Keep XBox, dump Bing? (Score 1) 292

Mod parent up!
For those not willing to read the article:

Microsoft is probably losing $2.5 billion on Skype, Xbox, and Windows Phone. Of that, $2 billion in losses are attributable to the Xbox platform.

Comment Re:Abuse of our legal system, plain and simple (Score 2) 396

Here's another problem. The government can call anybody it wants a terrorist group. This just happened in New Hampshire where the police in official filings called the Free State project "domestic terrorists".

Free Staters are made up of mostly libertarians who believe in the non-aggression principle. Their stated goal is to secure their liberty by gaining enough critical mass via representation in the standard election process. By any other definition, this would never qualify as terrorism, but that doesn't stop the government.

Comment Slurm! Excreted the old-fashioned way! (Score 1) 274

OMG. Slurm! Well, I learned something today.

[Excerpt from Wikipedia]:
Recently, several companies in Asia and Europe have begun to manufacture dietary supplements and energy drinks which contain synthetic versions of secretions of the larvae of Vespa mandarinia, which the adult hornets usually consume. The manufacturers of these products make claims that consuming the larval hornet secretions (marketed as "hornet juice") will enhance human endurance because of the effect it has on adult hornets' performance.

Submission + - SDL 2.0 Release Improves 2D/3D Rendering, Better Audio & New Features (

An anonymous reader writes: Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0 has finally been released. The cross-platform multimedia layer used by hundreds of cross-platform games has seen its first major release in years. The SDL 2.0 release has many new features including GL3 and OpenGL ES rendering support, a new 2D rendering API, better full-screen / multi-window support, multiple input support, Android and iOS support, power management, and other new functionality. SDL 2.0 can be downloaded from

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