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Comment And they ban my clean apps (Score 1) 223

So I make clean apps that they ban and then they allow this?

They banned my apps that allow people to share *moderated* clean photos (mostly of peoples faces). WHY? Because children's pictures were in it!

I also had to appeal to get them to allow my other photo app with clean photos:

Photo Hash

So I had to completely redo my website and objectives but, hey!


Comment Re:The problem isn't hardware to begin with... (Score 1) 222

I started programming on Apple ][ computers and did assembly. The code was fast and efficient.

However, the benefits of developing with powerful APIs on beefy operating systems is well worth it. There is so much more going on under the hood of a program and system and that costs CPU cycles.

Even software I'm writing for the iPad moves so fast that you *must* include the movements, fades, etc. in order to let the user know something has or is changing.

Much is unnecessary and ugly (especially Windows driver interfaces by many manufacturers) but I'll take today over 30 years ago.

Comment Re:Immoral people (Score 2, Informative) 216

The golden rule works very well, but it only works on a voluntary basis.

See for a discussion of "sacrificial love for the benefit of others" as a value system.

There is actually a free book on relationships from that perspective that even a non-religious person would find helpful at

Comment Immoral people (Score 5, Insightful) 216

You can never make enough laws to keep people like this from exploiting others.

It would never occur to those of us who have been raised with an inkling of an idea of good and evil to treat others in such a despicable manner.

It has nothing to do with free market. It is an issue of ethics and values.

Without the adoption of some standard of right and good within the individual heart, there is no hope of restraining people from similar scams.

Comment Re:Tim O'Reilly's comment... (Score 1) 237

You can do much better with Print On Demand.

Although my books are not tech (they are religious), the same principles apply.

After you produce the PDF for text and cover, your work can be done (except for marketing). I use Lightning Source for production and have all my titles listed with Amazon and every other bookseller. Lightning Source's fees are very reasonable, and Amazon takes whatever percent you allow. They handle shipping, credit cards, etc.

My total out of pocket for book production was very low (~130/book) and I can purchase bulk orders cheaper than I sell to Amazon.

You really don't need to spend a lot of money nor do you have to store any books if you do not want to. As both the author and publisher, my return is much higher per sale than through dealing with a publisher.

However, a publisher will help you with editing and marketing (although you pay dearly for both of those).

I'm still in the process of building up my site, but drop by

I also have a friend that works on an offset press and he confirms that the book quality from Lightning Source is excellent.

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