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Comment Re:Can't follow links apparently? (Score -1) 215

So your okay with being injected with an experimental medical procedure that has no long term studies, can't be undone, is heavily pushed by an industry that is known for data manipulation and outright lying, all for something that you likely have close to 100% chance of not getting in the first place.

Sounds perfectly safe and effective to me.
It is so obvious.

Comment Re:Let's spitball some numbers (Score -1, Informative) 215

No harm? This is the deadliest 'vaccine' in the history of vaccines and has caused the most adverse reactions by several orders of magnitude.
This is only after almost 1 year of widespread use and just so save people who were going to die anyways.

With no long term data we honestly have no idea what is going to happen to 5 year olds.
Honestly this is stupid beyond belief and either our government doesn't care or they are massively ignorant.

Comment Why double down? (Score -1) 63

They are doubling down on the most universally hated feature in recent memory.
Seriously everyone wants child port to stop however inspecting every image for possible child porn seems excessively dumb.

What is the difference between a child and a young looking adult?
What is the difference between an innocent parent picture and an exploitive one?

Can I seriously get my neighbor arrested if I have access to his phone and a child?

Comment Re:block http immediately (Score -1, Flamebait) 68

6 months? You must be a bleeding heart liberal.

They should immediately lose all access to electronics along with their entire family.
Then they must attend a mandatory reeducation camp where they can learn the need for all web traffic, even cat photos, to be highly secure.

After this then they are on probation for the next 200 years.

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