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Comment Re:One sided (Score 2) 858

"Zero detectable health costs"? Look at So far 2.5 billion has been paid out in court for vaccine related injuries. If you actually think about it for every case brought to court there is probably 100 or maybe a 1000 times more that doctors explain away. Vaccines are not nearly as clean cut as you think.

Comment Re:One sided (Score 1) 858

So you are saying all or none? Which is quite an unconvincing argument and then you tell me to pipe down? I think vaccines help quite a bit, but diet helps quite a bit more. Anyways, In 1975 Japan eliminated all vaccines for children under two and that when that happened; their infant mortality rate plummeted so that it was the lowest in the world.

Comment Re:Double Standard (Score 1) 775

Actually I don't believe the Earth is 6000 years old and I don't believe in the literal truth of the Bible. I am just saying if there is something else that is plausible then why not at least discuss it. Does that not broaden the persons horizons? Single mindedness is bad for religious zealots as well as scientific ones.

Comment Re:Double Standard (Score 1) 775

Why don't we focus on the flaws in science as well? Mainly that hugely complex organisms like humans were created from totally random chaotic interactions which favor chaos instead of order. Thus it is far more likely to not have an organism "evolve" than for it to evolve. People act like science is perfect, but one new fact could totally change everything scientifically. Does that sound like a good position to be in?

Comment Re:Double Standard (Score 1) 775

The whole idea is the same as that for Global Warming. One argument is allowed, but the opposite is not. I lose all respect for "scientists" when they claim that the debate is over and everything is settled. Science doesn't establish truth. It simply establishes what is observable. There is a huge difference between the two. In any case, debate between two ideas is quite healthy.

Comment Re:How about a car analogy...sure why not. (Score 1) 599

Exactly. I have worked in large IT groups where every upgrade like this comes with a huge amount of pain. We have to coordinate with all the vendors and make sure every upgrade goes smooth. We also have to test each app through formal processes. This all takes time and there is always that one app which fails and is critical. I always hated the "maintenance day" because there were problems galore.

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