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Comment Re:Can you screw me now? (Score 1) 139

I honestly have to agree with this comment. Yes, they're not the cheapest. But for the type of service and support I get for 2 iPhone 4, 1 Samsung Galaxy and one Samsung feature phone for the youngest (she's 11, not getting a smart phone, I don't care if all the "cool kids" have one or not) I have no complaints with Verizon.

Comment Re:Boston (Score 1) 614

Felt it here in the northern panhandle of West Virginia. Thought I was going crazy at first, until some people started hitting me up on our instant messaging system asking me if my house was shaking. Talked to people from here all the way to and including Pittsburgh. Freaked me out a bit. Never felt one before.

Submission + - Is There Any Hope For The Gaming Industry? (

Digital Vomit writes: With the upcoming reboot of the famous X-COM franchise of squad-based tactical games, it's troubling to see how the video game industry, as a whole, has declined and stagnated. Being well past the golden and silver ages, the modern gaming industry has devolved into a glut of clones of roughly two or three dominant genres. Much of the blame for this can be attributed to the attitude of game publishers, such as 2K Games' president, Christoph Hartmann, who said, of the X-COM franchise:

"The '90s generation of gamers all love Xcom and we own the IP, so we thought OK, what do we do with it? Every studio we had wanted to do it and each one had its own spin on it. But the problem was that turn-based strategy games were no longer the hottest thing on planet Earth. But this is not just a commercial thing — strategy games are just not contemporary."

Is there any way to save the gaming industry from itself, or is it doomed to stagnate under the control of narrow-sighted publishers?


Submission + - 34% of iPhone owners think the 4 is 4G (

tekgoblin writes: "An interesting study was just released by Retrevo which indicates that a startling 34% of iPhone 4 owners are confused to what “4 actually means. iPhone owners who had an iPhone 3G knew that the 3G actually stood for 3G so that is where the confusion has stemmed from. iPhone 4 owners think that the 4 means 4G."

Comment Re:The solution (Score 1) 259

NetFlix needs improvement. The delay between a movie hitting disk and being available for streaming (which I'm guessing has a lot to do with the content producers agreements) needs to go away.

I have purchased quite a bit of music off of iTunes personally, but it has been things like the Beatles ($149 for the whole collection? yeah, I can do that). Most new music isn't worth it to me anymore. I stopped pirating years ago, because I wanted to set an example to my kids that worthy content does deserve to be purchased.

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