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Comment Re:It has happened before (Score 1) 531

Not long ago, here in Austin, a cop followed up on a lead regarding a robbery suspect at his apartment. The cop knocked on the door, heard the person inside bolt the door shut and then the cop called in the SWAT team.
One guy was holed away in his apartment and they call in SWAT. They ended up using tear gas to get him out. Welcome to Amerika.

Comment Re:Links to classified data should be labeled (Score 1) 271

It's all about the red tape. The gov't is run like a corporation and I'm sure all the red tape is causing the huge amounts of financial bloat. You probably need to get a proposal of your TPS report cover sheet approved by a board before it goes into draft and another round of proposals just so it can be added to a report that will have lost all relevance and only cost taxpayers 100 million dollars.
I'm sure there's some ego to it too.
"It's not declassified until I say it is!"
"B..b..but sir, everyone has a copy of this. There are billions of these in the wild"
"What did I just say?!"

Comment Ummm.. (Score 3, Informative) 209

Did that agreement have a little smiley face on it near the end? Does anyone really expect the USA to be honest about their activities? This is more likely a coordinated display to show the US feels bad about being caught red-handed and now they can be trusted by the worldz again.

The UK will be next I'm sure... I don't know the lapdog priority in Europe though :P

Comment Re:Cool, But... (Score 1) 351

I hear that. It's called having an open mind. Heck, scientists are still trying to find the other 95% of the universe's mass. With dark energies and crazy things like spooky action, who knows what's out there.

What's to say that little ghosties or other related phenomena aren't a strange harmonic imbalance between parallel universes and we appear as ghosts to that side too. Depends on your views of string theory and all that I guess.

I'm an atheist and a skeptic but only because I want to know the truth, not because I don't want to believe in it. Everything has an answer.

Comment Re:Cool, But... (Score 1) 351

Genetic memories? There's still a lot to figure out about how memories work. I think there has been some research that discovered memories might reside in different cells. It could explain past life phenomena and weird unexplainables like that.

Just a quick google cuz I'm at work and lazy:

I dunno, maybe there's a vast single consciousness and we're all one pretty flower. If that can be proven, I'm on board :P

Comment Re:Cool, But... (Score 1) 351

I'd venture to guess that the brain is reaching towards past experiences and memories and maybe even imagined experiences in order to figure out a way to process the reason for the NO CARRIER signal. It sounds like a self-preservation process that has to rely on whatever data is accumulated in its database.
The tunnel effect I think was explained by neuro-scientists as the firing of the cells in the visual cortex. It happens at other times than just death experiences so it seems a likely reason.

We have a built-in need to figure out patterns in the randomness and this may just be the final throes of that instinct.

Comment Re:I'm not reassured. (Score 1) 537

Well you aren't seeing it because that's how the system is supposed to work.

Case in point:

No one is really questioning that there is abuse. I think that's assumed. The real question is why the surveillance is even happening. I'm guessing they are aware of these "abuses" but since no one can ever know about them, it's no big deal. Spy agencies spy, we get that. They just shouldn't treat every citizen as a terrorist and assume it's acceptable.

You are being monitored and tracked and you are the enemy. Maybe not yet, but they can make you into anything they want. Information is power and they know everything on everyone. Scary.

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