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Comment Re:Correct (Score 1) 203

Facebook: Your Personal Data is a Trade Secret

I agree 100%, which is why I refuse to give my personal data to Facebook (or anyone else).

Not to be trollish, but:

Do you use a bank? Checks? Credit Card? Discount Card? Have a job? Have an SSN? (if U.S.) Have a visa? Have a house? Have a line of credit? Use Google? Use Hotmail? Use Windows? Mac? Linux? Breathe?

Surprise. It's out there.

Comment Re:Know thy students (Score 2) 294

yes, blame this on teachers, not on the management that is making the decisions. good job, you've managed to blame someone with no say in this at all!

Jesus Christ. The teachers have nothing to do with this stupid bullshit. Clean the tea out of your brain.!

Listen. I know sarcasm is really hard to understand from static text on the Internet... But, seriously, your Snark-O-Meter didn't twitch at all?...Neither of you? Huh..

Comment Re:Her Defense Was Pretty Good Too (Score 1, Insightful) 699

Sounds like you were quite a fuck-up.

Sounds like you have no idea what a strict Catholic upbringing is like. As a recovered Catholic myself, I can attest that the entire basis of the Cath-lick faith is to have zero self-worth. Anything good you do is attributed to God's power. Anything 'evil,' and, well, bend over, Satan's concubine!

And, if you do, somehow, manage to come out of that intact, you'll generally be jaded.

Comment Re:The architect of America's obesity epidemic (Score 2) 178

This person did not do the United States any favors by creating a type of junk food. Think about how many billions of dollars in unnecessary medical costs are due directly or indirectly to his invention. You may as well give a medal to the guy that invented cigarettes.

I'm sorry, I must have missed where it's become common place to blame the creator of something for the way it's misused by consumers who exist to, gee, I don't know, consume?

Very glad I arrived late to to station so I didn't board that bandwagon before departing.

Comment Huh.. (Score 1) 70

Am I the only one that's noticed that only the AC's seem to have a problem with Hart's death/title/contributions? Funny how no one's willing to put a name to the complaint.

That said, anyone who dies and leaves the tools to encourage people to peel themselves away from mindless entertainment and makes reading a bit more accessable, gets my respect.

Wikipedia-Editors be damned!

Comment Huh... (Score 2) 338

(Insert random ./ death threats and anal rapings here, quoted from previous comments..)

So, I guess NO one reads/watches TFA.

Google. Try it, folks!

..."She sits on the board of the TOR PROJECT. (Enabling folks to 'anonymously' browse pr0n for some time.)

Really, though, six mailings/warnings followed by throttled bandwidth doesn't do much, that I can see, apart from the 'we're watching you' vibe. It'll just be a shot in the arm for the VPN market.

Comment Re:This bullshit has to stop. (Score 2) 244

I think you need to look up the definition of Socialism.... If Hollywood was socialist the movies would be free for everyone.

History Lesson #1:

National Socialist Party.
Commonly shortened to NAZI.

Also, for what it's worth, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi

Hence, the National Socialist/Jew reference was valid.

The more you know! (DING, RAINBOWS FOR EVERYONE)

Comment Common Sense. (Score 2) 147

Two things:

1. Agreed with everyone else, in that the summary is written in such a way that one would interpret VLC infected. Bad form on the summary writer's part. (insert rant about /. editing style, rabblerabble)

2. This is zero to do with FOSS. Even paid software can be used to shovel-out any form of virii, malware, digital Bubonic Plague, etc. This is about people downloading any and everything that has a link attached, from 'trusted' sources and flashing banner ads.

I'm going to make this real simple, Internet Security 101-style: If you download something and you don't make the MONUMENTAL effort to scan it with whatever virii scanner you're using. You deserve what you get. True, virus scanners are not the be-all/end-all of security, but considering most of these infections are lazily coded, your scanner of choice would probably find the source of the infection, but probably their Twitter, Facebook, Google, and grocery shopping lists, too.

You wouldn't stchup a prostitute without a condom, right? (I hope!) Same thing applies when you 'jack in' to the intertubez.

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