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Comment Microsoft's "Problem" (Score 1, Informative) 292

FTFA: "But I think Microsoft should understand that it doesn’t have an engineering or a product problem, it has a marketing problem and that it needs to address it" I tend to ignore anyone who tries to explain a trend (or lack there of) in the mobile space but I agree with this point. As a mobile developer I was pleasantly surprised by how easy and "fun" it could be to build a WP7 app. The development tools arent too bad and seem pretty mature. Also, aside from the Windows-Live nagging I have found the OS to be fairly well engineered, which is saying a lot in the current Mobile OS landscape. All that said I dont know what else could be attributed to how ZTE, LG, and the market in general have responded to WP7 other than the poor marketing.

Comment Wrong, hope you aren't spreading panic. (Score 4, Informative) 114

Developers do not have access to your visa, regardless of how you pay for content in iOS. All iOS purchases, whether they be appstore or in-app, are payed to Apple, period, end of story. Apple, then, takes care of distributing the payment. Apple mediates everything. The developer is cut a check from Apple after they take a cut, even for in-app purchases.

Comment Not totally buying it (Score 1) 179

Microsoft sells an ad server called 'Atlas' and a company that I once worked for that depends heavily on online advertising paired that server with a behavioral targetting (Read: tracking) system in order to "better" target advertisements to our users. Now there is no direct connection between Atlas and tracking usage/behavior but I know for a fact that online ads, and thus an ad server, become MUCH less useful if there is no usage/behavioral data on the users... so I am not entirely buying a full blown usage blocker. Although I suppose that the hit that a competitor such as Google would take from that kind of feature would exponentially outweigh the impact against Microsoft

Comment Re:I have learned my lesson (Score 1) 338

Any app I build in the future will be created on a droid powered device first. I have learned the hard way to shoot for the lowest performing platform first as it is nearly impossible to port the other direction.

Not entirely related to this posting but I would like to know why you have made this conclusion? I have ported an iOS application to Android and found it to be easier. In a way, it almost makes perfect sense that if you build an app on a locked down platform (foo) it should be much easier to port to a more open platform (bar) since you are "practically" guaranteed that bar will have all of the functionality of foo and then


KDE SC 4.7 May Use OpenGL 3 For Compositing 187

An anonymous reader writes "KDE SC 4.5 is about to be released and KDE SC 4.6 is being discussed. However, Martin Graesslin has revealed some details about what they are planning for KDE 4.7. According to Martin's blog post, they are looking at OpenGL 3.0 to provide the compositing effects in KDE SC 4.7. OpenGL 3.0 provides support for frame buffer objects, hardware instancing, vertex array objects, and sRGB framebuffers."

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