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Comment Re:Millions of years of life-supporting conditions (Score 2) 312

How could humanoids remain a dominant configuration through billions of years of evolution as depicted in TNG? Seems like various forms would have plenty of time to develop multiple eyeballs etc. Humans are unique among primates in our upright stance, as opposed to the quadrupedal gait found in other primates. Was that supposed to have been baked into the cake in the TNG universe too, or was it considered an inevitable part of developing sapience?

I always thought Ursula LeGuin's Hainish Universe was a more sensible/plausible premise, where one species seeds itself throughout the local area of the galaxy in various ways in the past few million years - combining its DNA with that of local primates on Earth, for instance, thus humanity's aggressive streak as compared with other intelligent species.

Comment Won't someone think of the kestrels? (Score 1) 223

Raptors with jetpacks, no less:

"At 50,000 ft (15,000 m) there is very little air traffic and biodiversity, unless you go over the Himalayas," company director Michael Burdett tells Gizmag. "Implementing a system in these conditions will not obstruct any existing systems."

Uh, yeah. I'm thinking about the only organisms you're going to bump into at 50k feet would be Need For Speed skydivers like that Baumgartner dude.

Comment Re:Interesting argument (Score 3, Interesting) 236

Interestingly enough the US imported more in 2012 from the Persian Gulf. We've mostly trimmed the amount of business we do with nations like Mexico, Nigeria, and Brazil, in response to our new gains in supply. This is just crude oil, a substantial part of US demand is met by imported petroleum products too, of course. U.S. Crude Oil Imports Mexico is due to begin declining in production in the next few years, and the Trans Alaska Pipeline may have to be shut down soon as well - this is more of a wildcard, estimates of how low the flow through can go before it becomes unprofitable to operate vary a great deal - so new sources of supply are going to be needed, even with US demand having peaked and declining slowly owing to less driving/more efficient new vehicles/the slow inroads made by EVs removing demand for gasoline entirely.

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