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Comment Re:Yes and no (Score 4, Insightful) 550

And all adulteresses should be forced to wear a scarlet "A"!

Children are not fully-formed adults, we can't treat them as such. They do not have full control over their lives as adults do. If you believe that children should be treated as adults than whatever age you believe that begins they should be allowed to drink, smoke, gamble and vote.

You can't have it both ways.

Comment Re:this is intolerable (Score 5, Insightful) 550

From Wikipedia:
"The French Revolution (French: Révolution française; 1789–1799), was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France that had a major impact on France and throughout the rest of Europe. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years. French society underwent an epic transformation, as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from radical left-wing political groups, masses on the streets, and peasants in the countryside. Old ideas about tradition and hierarchy – of monarchy, aristocracy, and religious authority – were abruptly overthrown by new Enlightenment principles of equality, citizenship and inalienable rights."

Now, do you think that the upheaval of the aristocracy was sugar cookies and lemonade for the economy of France? What about all the merchants employed by the Aristocracy? How evil of those revolutionaries to do such a thing to the Aristocracy because it affected merchants!

Comment Re:this is intolerable (Score 1) 550

"The system" is not some magical entity with all the right answers or outcome. It lets people off that are guilty and convicts people who are innocent. Justice is not arbitrary, that's why laws are different in every country, state and city and also why they change so often. If you are looking for "justice" as opposed to "procedure" than you have to admit that Anonymous has just as much chance at justice as the system.

Comment Re:Work 80 hours a week! (Score 2) 454

As devil's advocate no one says that you are entitled to any specific standard of living. You could also choose to live in a small apartment with other people and choose inexpensive food and clothing and deny yourself needless devices and subscription tv all while stashing a sizable chunk of your income into savings and investments, but are you?

Comment Re:gosh?? (Score 2) 124


3.2 Sanitation

In 2002 about 75 million people were connected to sewers and 35 million people had their waste water treated through small-scale waste water treatment devices called jÅkasÅs. They are common in areas not connected to sewers, but also exist in areas connected to sewers. There is even a specific jÅkasÅ law that regulates their construction, installation, inspection and desludging. JÅkasÅs use different technologies and serve different sizes of buildings from single-family homes to high-rise buildings, public or commercial buildings. Treated water can be easily reused for various purposes such as toilet flushing, watering gardens or car washing. Sludge from jÅkasÅs can be used as fertilizer

Comment Re:Ummm.. (Score 1) 119

Your assumption is that life on Earth is the standard by which to measure all life. There is every bit the possibility that life on Earth is actually incredibly fragile and that the norm is "hardiness"...

I didn't read the article but you don't think it is possible that a cataclysm destroying a planet could send fragments containing this life form's ancestor hurtling into space? You're acting like it left of its own accord.

Occam's razor would actually lead one to think that because we have so little knowledge of life on our own planet, we don't have enough data to speculate about life on other planets. That's actually the simplest explanation.

Comment Re:Yay!!! (Score 1) 283

I'm not sympathetic to Samsung but Apple employees are so busy rimming each other with delight over the sheer fact they work for Apple, that the smell of shit is such a part of their daily life they have no clue when the service they are giving is shitty.

I don't know anyone who has a positive experience about going to the Apple store with a problem. Apple is so busy fellating iOS, they have sold the same basic OS to desktop customers 4 times now and no one is calling them on it. I didn't really think an iOS-style launcher was worth paying $29 for nor do I believe waiting an hour after my "appointment" at an Apple Store is acceptable, so I stopped using my mid-2010 Core-i5 MacBook Pro and bought a Samsung Series 7 Slate. Problem Solved

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