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Comment Re:Blame C++ (Score 1) 112

The question is, what language would they write good code in?

If Linus is right, C++ attracks bad programmers. So another language would not help. Personally, I stick to C. It is not the perfect language, but all others I tried are worse..

FWIW, C++ has many features that are strong improvements over C.

Well C++ has many features. They are meant to be improvements. But they are basically *all* broken.

Class encapsulation,

This is just syntactic sugar. But even this is broken: You have to put the complete class definition in the header - including private implementation details. How stupid is this? You can actually have much better encapsulation in C by putting an incomplete struct in the header and define the struct in the C file.

e.g. OTOH, it's also full of things that are only worthwhile if you are really interested in run-time optimization.

I am not sure what you mean by this... C++ is good if you want to do compile-time optimizations and you don't trust the compiler to do it for you, so you write your own program transformations using templates which run at compile time and generate super efficient code. Some interesting math libraries are written this way. But ofcourse, templates as a compile time language are just horrible and you would be much better off to write code generators in a proper programming language instead.

Comment Re:Science creates understanding of a real world. (Score 1) 770

Sorry for the sarcastic reply.

I sympathize with the idea that scientist should try to explain their ideas to the general public, but I do not
agree with the idea that scientific findings should only be taken serious if it is explained so well that I can be
understood by the general public. Some things are just too difficult to be easily explained - and even if this is possible
in some cases, it might take too much time and effort to explain it well. So yes, I think political decisions must
sometimes be based on the authoritative advice from certain scientific insitutions.

Comment Re:Science creates understanding of a real world. (Score 1) 770

True. Feynman is great.

But it is a long time since I read that book, and I think that while it explains the key ideas very well I would be surprized if it enables an average person to do actual computations in quantum field theory to verify some of its predictions on their own. For this, you have to dive into the math on a much deeper level. So the point still stands.

Comment Re:Easy solution (Score 4, Informative) 348

In fact, the conspiracy theory that the government is funding climate scientists who say that global warming is real and caused by human activity with the purpose to strengthen the government's authoritarian grip on society is a myth. But also the more plausible idea that scientists exaggerate their findings to get more funding does not seem to be true:

Comment Re:Every week there's a new explanation of the hia (Score 1) 465

I wish we would actually debate how to best deal with global warming instead of whether it exists or what causes it.

That is exactly what we are debating.

Obviously we are also debating whether global warming exists or is caused by humans. To me - as a scientist - this is a deeply worrying sign of ignorance.

And the best way of dealing with it is to ignore it, because the costs of dealing with global warming down the road are tiny compared to the costs of limiting emissions right now, for any realistic IPCC scenario.

This is an interesting opinion. You present it as obvious, but it is the opposite of what most people who studied this seems to think.

The problem is that climate scientists and their activist friends are unwilling to accept basic economics and keep making proposals outside their domain of expertise.

This is clearly not basic economics. Is is more about estimating future risks and estimating economic cost which seems difficult to me. The term "climate scientists and their activist friends" also indicates a bit of paranoid thinking.

Comment Re:Every week there's a new explanation of the hia (Score 1) 465

I think a lot of people, even some actual scientists, do not understand the role of skepticism in Science. There's a difference between scientific skepticism and peanut gallery skepticism. Scientific skepticism is healthy.

Scientists can speculate and debate as much as they want whether it's getting warmer or colder. The issue with the global warming debate is the political demands to translate the science into specific actions, often by scientists who have no qualifications in economics or politics.

Nonsense. The issue is that people who do fear certain political actions are badmouthing the underlying science and the scientists involved instead of debating political questions. I wish we would actually debate how to best deal with global warming instead of whether it exists or what causes it.

Comment Re:Ugh (Score 1) 727

I don't see your point. Xrender works just fine and just traced some applications using xtrace and they happily make use of it. And yes, this works perfectly over the network.

Changing this would mean breaking a binary protocol with decades of backwards compatibility. I do not think the Linux community could do something more stupid than breaking compatibility with X11. As if those many applications magically rewrite themselves. And applications which use direct rendering work exactly the same way on X as anywhere else, so there is not even something to gain.

What is missing for the desktop is a consistent and polished GUI on top of that. Unfortunately, gnome, Ubuntu, all made the same mistake as Microsoft: Abandoning their old stuff to get something hip which also works on tablets. Now we have an inconsistent mess that is worse than what we had a few years ago.

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