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Comment Re:no. (Score 1) 256

>silly talk

Actually, no. The Democratic Party has been running away from the failed campaign of McGovern learning all the wrong lessons and tying themselves to concepts like "electablity" and doing everything they can to not appear "too leftist" whatever that is at the time. They abandoned the unions, losing all those votes and set the stage or the deundustrialisation of America through lopsided trade agreements. Shit like this has let the Republicans drive every argument all the way down to the vocabulary used. So as the Republicans have drifted into insanity, Dems have become "Republican Lite"

Trump didn't spring fully formed from the head of Zeus.

They have been pulling this shit for 50 years. Why stop now?

>trump's crimes

The American public doesn't give a shit. The American public, by and large, assumes all politicians are on the take..

The American public wants someone to at least pretend to care about their bread and butter issues. As stated above, the par\\Democratic Party has been running away from that sort of stuff since McGovern. Trump won the clown car because out of all the other candidates on the R side he at least mouthed the concepts even though he was lying.and when the DNC riggged it so that someone who had awful negatives, it was only inevitable that trump won the presidency.

Now w are stuck with him and fucking morons like you think that impeachment is going to fix things. It will ifx nothing and if successful, we will wind up with pence.While Trump is a little kid pretending to be dictator, pence will be the real deal and will use things embedded in the ndaa and such, that Obama and his predecessors signed off on, to silence critics.

We are so fucked.

Comment Re:no. (Score 1) 256

I do see it as a viable political football, like schools, health-care and other civilization building issues.


The dems have failed at every turn over the past 50 years, running away from McGovern.

Even the ACA is a failure and capitulation to "republican values"

I am almost all out of fucks to give.

I had high idealistic hopes for the Internet last century.

And I look at a president that uses the most important vehicle for the spread of knowledge for his own personal alt.flame.

Burn. It. All. Down.

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Comment Re: Facial recognition (Score 1) 284

"I mean the Egyptians, in their hieroglyphs, didn't have this problem with darker skin, go figure."

This is fucking late, but...

They had to come up with makeup for Lena Horne, and they called it "light Egyptian." They couldn't call it "makeup for dark skin" or "Lena's Makeup" or some such because it was that "exotic."

I remember the interview she had on 60 Minutes and she chuckled about the absurdity.


Comment DNRA (Score 1) 131

I read the title and the answer is "no."

There are so many other causes of childhood depression (wrong school system, etc.) and the fact that childhood depression existed long before desktop computers of any kind existed that no, social media, as such, is such a small part. Indeed, social media is sometimes the only connection left a depressed person has with the world at large (and if this is you, seek help *right now*^`1) that removing access to it (because parents are going to only read the title) would be harmful.


1. That was me back in 2012. The only things I did were food shopping and going to the pharmacy. If that. But not enough. I lost a bunch of weight due to anorexia (anorexia is not just teenage kids with body image problems, it's also adults or anyone else that just doesn't feel the need to eat). While losing weight this way was effective, it's not recommended by me. My world shrunk to my apartment and the only connection with the outside world was my computer and my property manager who insisted that I come over and sit around the barbecue roughly every Saturday and he wouldn't take no for an answer. (he had a key, of course)

About that. I was pretty good at putting on the mask, so nobody would know that anything was wrong, just that I wasn't around much.

By the time December rolled around and my brother rescued me, I was an almost-suicidal mess and didn't care what happened to me because I didn't think anyone would miss me. Steve probably kept me alive long enough for that to happen. Without the two Steves (my brother is also named Steve), I'd probably be dead from the heart attack in Feb 2013.

Which leads me to today. I am still alive, and I have an actual life again. It took a lot of work and a lot of visits to the head shrinker, but I am mostly functional and /married/ to a wonderful person who doesn't think I'm as awful as I think I am.

The tl;dr of this footnote is that life changes and if your only connection to the outside world is social media, you are in a depressive episode and you need help immediately. You cannot drag yourself out of it alone. But if you get help, you will get the time for life to change for the better (because it can't get much worse). Help doesn't have to be professional help, but it can be a friend or your local DBSA. Google that organization and find a group close to you and go.

Comment Re:Offensive to who? (Score 1) 314

It's already been happening.

Political channels because they're political, and things like AvE (Arduino versus Evil) because of language.

Because machinists, engineers, toolmakers, technicians of any type ranging from your corner store tech to the guy you call because you can't get your cruise ship out of port because X bearing is busted, don't ever swear.

The political channels and (especially) the above want you to actively block the ads and just use Patreon to throw a coupla bucks their way.

And if you're not watching This Old Tony, you're doing it wrong.


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