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Comment Re:Retarded analysis (Score 1) 345

Exactly. Youtube is not there to enforce the law. That's what the courts are for. As you said, they are not there to determine if a video is legal or not, and therefore they are not there to remove videos that may be copyrighted.

They are free to decide what they think is acceptable. If Youtube does not want to remove videos that may be copyrighted -- they are free to not do so.

Comment Re:Why is it news (Score 1) 815

I just gave a rather long explanation about how I can say that in the post you replied to.

The media ignores third party candidates because it is the logical thing to do in our current political system. Voters who think logically will also ignore these candidates.

They "founding fathers" did a great job constructing a democracy without much to go off of, but there are some negative consequences to the system they devised that they could not have foreseen. These design flaws have since been fixed by other countries, who had the benefit of looking at American and seeing what worked and what didn't. Using a first past the post system with a district magnitude of 1 has the negative consequence of the country only having two parties. This is fixed by systems such as proportional representation, which allow for multiple parties.

It's not the media's fault that our country doesn't have a proportional representation electoral system.

If you're not sure why this happens, it's really not that complicated. Only one person can win. Lets say there are 4 parties on a spectrum of 1-10, with 1 being conservative and 10 being liberal. They may be something like 2, 4, 6, and 8. If you are a liberal voter, you have to choose whether or not to vote for 6 or 8. If you are a strong liberal, you would like to vote for 8. The same applies on the conservative side. Now, what happens if the liberals all vote for who they actually want to win: half vote for 6 and half vote for 8, but 6 also picks up swing voters by being in the middle, knocking 8 out of the race. Now, lets say the same thing happens on the conservative side, 4 is the victor. So the election comes down to who happened to get more votes, 4 or 6.

Lets pretend that 6 won that election. In the next election, conservatives get smart and decide to all vote for 4, ignoring 2. If the liberal do not do the same thing, 4 will win by a landslide, as the liberal vote is split between 6 and 8. In the next election, you can be certain both groups will vote for 4 and 6, 2 and 8 are ignored. Do this for 100 years, and you end up with two parties.

Comment Re:Why is it news (Score 1) 815

The media doesn't really have much (if anything) to do with it.

Political science has very few concepts that can be considered anything close to a "law," but the law of Duverger is one of those few. While not 100% accurate, as any "law" in a social science won't be, it is still very accurate at determining the number of parties a political system will end up with. The law, put simply, states that the number of parties in a political system will be the district magnitude +1. So, in a winner-takes-all system such as the United States (District Magnitude of 1) we end up with 2 parties. In a Proportional Representation system where more than one person is elected for each district, you end up with more than 2 parties. If you look at actual data on various countries, you can see that this is almost always true.

Comment Re:Buying two copies (Score 1) 351

I personally have my desktop connected to my living room TV, but even still I don't tend to play games on the television much. Most PC games are designed to be played from a close distance, and so even though my monitor is smaller and of worse resolution, they still tend to be better than on the TV.

In addition to this controllers still seem better than mouse/keyboard for TV gaming. Yes, controllers can be used with the PC but that's an additional cost, and not all games allow their use.

PCs would have to be vastly simplified to work for the average console consumer in my opinion, which kind of eliminates the entire point of playing on a PC.

Comment Re:Buying two copies (Score 1) 351

This is my biggest grate with PC gaming. I'm a PC gamer myself who built my own desktop specifically for gaming, so I do love PC gaming. However, if I want to play a game with my wife it's much cheaper to buy it on ps3 (if available), than to buy two copies for the PC.

Also, while consoles are sadly getting away from local multiplayer and becoming more like PCs, there is still a larger amount of games with local multiplayer than on the PC. There's just something to be said for playing a game together on a single screen, rather than two separate screens.

And for groups of friends, there's no argument that a Wii with brawl or mario kart is by far the best way to go.

Comment Re:Putting them on internet (Score 1) 351

Completely agree with this. I imagine a world (maybe in 10 years or so?) where when we come we simply place our cell phones on a little pad that connects them to all our other crap. They interact with our tv and wireless controllers for games, and our monitors, wireless keyboards, and wireless mice for computers.

Comment Re:Let the games begin (Score 1) 80

The only problem is I don't see stuff like this really getting any attention outside the "geek/nerd" communities. Even the Apple patent cases, which are the most widely publicized from what I can tell, aren't really well known to people who don't care about their cell phone brand.

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