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Comment Re:Bail out. (Score 0) 212

All of the sudden? Wasn't the original winsock (Both Microsoft, and 3rd party) implementations a more-or-less straight port of BSD sockets to Windows 3.11? What about all of the commandline TCP/IP utilities such as ftp.exe that appeared in Windows 95?

Comment Re:Forget the FCC (Score 1, Insightful) 602

Because parents want everybody else to nanny their children, in spite of technology being widely available to make it easier for them to police their own children's viewing.

It's like back when Marilyn Manson was so big, and was in the news everywhere. People were protesting at venues trying to get his shows canceled, using excuses such as "I don't want my children to see this filth!" Well guess what, people? If you don't want your kids to see it, then don't let them go see it! There's adults out there that do want to see such things (at least two or three :)) and adults should be free to decide for themselves and not have a bunch of lazy angsty parents pre-emptively make such decisions for them.

Comment Re:Sauce for the goose (Score 0) 926

Not really. They're on different frequencies, but, various frequencies throughout the band is allocated to different services.

I seem to remember an old scanner trick where you could hear a dead carrier on $tuned_frequency + $IF (or maybe it was $tuned_frequncy - $IF.. I can't remember) but this was a really weak carrier that could only be heard a couple hundred feet away. Plus you would have to know all of the frequencies that all of the law enforcement agencies in the area were using. Furthermore, if the police in the area is on a trunked system, then the cops are possibly going to be sharing the same frequency pool with the water department, sanitation department, and dog catcher.

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