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Comment Florida Returns Money (Score 1) 1026

Despite the news on NPR and the negative connotation imposed on the decision I applaud the Governor of Florida for making the difficult decision to return the 2.4 Billion dollars. to the Federal Government.

I also feel that it is not a sound investment for the Tax Payer. We need to reign in the national debt before we even consider spending untold billions on this sort of infrastructure improvement.

That is not to say that our existing infrastructure does not need help, but learn to use what we have, pay down the debt, design efficient and cost effective solutions, then in a time of more prosperity we can enhance the infrastructure and bring it up to date.

Comment My $0.02. (Score 1) 312

This issue some up over and over again in the technology industry. What I cannot comprehend, is why these companies seem to believe that they have any right to tell you what you can and cannot do with the product you purchased. Say for instance, you bought a PS3 then took it outside and summarily executed it. Despite the obvious fact that you have voided your warranty could Sony hope to tell you that you have no right to do that? Do they presume to maintain ownership of the hardware? Be that the case are they paying to have dead boxes shipped back to them for proper recycling? If one were using the modified box to play Pirated media, I could understand their hesitance from a purely legal standpoint. I can also understand not wanting people with modified consoles to play, and potentially cheat, on their Network. However, modifying and otherwise cracking the hardware for the purpose of installing a new OS or performing other Geekly tasks is, I would say, a right of the owner. Why do companies fight so vehemently to protect their software and hardware when they should know by now doing so will only enrage those Geeks being told "NO", when, I ask you, has that EVER worked? Sony, Wake Up. That Is All.

Comment Rules (Score 1) 323

This is called, "Writing The Rules As You Go". For that matter, why, if you are sincere about repenting of a "Sin" should you need an intermediary in the first place? App or otherwise? That sort of went away with the Old Testament.

Comment Re:Way To Cut Spending! (Score 0) 1026

I sincerely disagree. For instance, some might think that a light rail system is a wise infrastructure investment. Alas, there used to be one here. Which was constructed using untold numbers of Tax Payer dollars and later removed using until numbers of Tax Payer Dollars. And is now being considered be re-build using untold Tax Payer Dollars. Also, a deficit is not something our grandchildren will pay for. It is the government not having enough money to cover their budget. The national debt is something that your Grandchildren will be paying for. Since I am not going to have any children. My nieces and nephews however will be cured to pay off this and many other projects that make no fiscal sense at all. We could argue this point until we were blue in the face; however, it makes no sense to pay for something by borrowing more money we don't have. We will never be free from debt and sovereign as a nation until idiots like Obama and people who support the expenditure of Billions and Trillions of dollars on worthless infrastructure developments. Before attempting to invest in a worthless rail system why not first fix what exists and pay off the national debt. Then we'll talk about investing in a railway system.

Comment Way To Cut Spending! (Score -1, Offtopic) 1026

Way To Be Ol' GOV! I can really appreciate the strides you are taking to cut spending and eliminating the national debt! Hey while you're at it, why don't you just raise taxes 40 or 50 % and start sending more money to support foreign militaries and rebuilding foreign countries (after we spend the money to destroy them). Don't worry about Americans who don't have homes, or children who don't have parents and are starving here. After all! the people of other countries are so much more important than people of this country right? Oh, I just LOVE YOU Obama! Thank you for all.. no wait... I wish this country would rise up like Egypt and Tunisia and kick your ass and the whole of the government (all those eldery individuals are living in a fantasy in which we still exist when they were 18 - 20 *WAKE UP!*) out on their ears and completely revitalize the original government and freedoms that made this country great, sparked inovation and brought us to World Power Status in short order. Bring our troops home, have them protect us on our Shores, help us with what needs done in this Country. That is all.

Comment Re:Political suicide. (Score 1) 339

I agree, the thought of the Government having the power to kill the internet for the masses is unacceptable. The government needs to be knocked down a few pegs and reminded that "We The People" are Government and those we have running it are OUR employees. We are their masters, NOT the other way around. This continuos unhindered growth of government control and power will only lead to negative outcomes.

Comment interesting... (Score 1) 185

While that is an interesting assertion I personally find that I remember equally well that which I read in tradition books as well as
content delivered via e-Reader or computer.

I don't feel that the medium by which the data is conveyed has any bearing over what ones brain would perceive as important or not.

For me, if it was not at very least an interesting topic to me, I would not be reading it in the first place. So, I enter into the reading
session with a mind set that the information is important or interesting.

That is merely my take on the topic.

Comment Incredibly, stupid. (Score 1) 833

I say post them all. Air the dirty-laundry so to speak. The only thing at "stake" is the respect, career, and face of the individual who sent the original defaming document in the first place. Certainly, if the people they were speaking of find out, they'll be upset, but what good does upset do? Oh NO! Somebody called me unstable! ... oh wait... I called them the same thing last week...but let's not go there! Rock on Wikileaks! *I agree, two days should DEFINITELY be enough to process those document LOL*

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