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Comment Re:No one is forcing anyone to do anything (Score 1) 536

Heck, he could, you know, rent an OFFICE to conduct his business from that has connectivity. There are tons and tons of incubator spaces that would be happy to have his business.

I've conducted business from home. It sucks. There are many good reasons to separate work and home.

You took the words right out of my mouth (or keyboard). This is one of my plan-B's when I work from home and internet connectivity at works sucks. It sucks to pay an extra few hundred dollars a month, but it sucks less than not working or having to relocate.

Comment Re:Seriously... (Score 1) 757

That's what "typedef" is for. Put "typdef" in front, replace signal with signal_handler, and it's only really ugly in one place.

Or cdecl...

Of course. IRL we would use typedef to manage that kind of ugliness. But one will always encounter definitions like that - signal will never be defined with a typedef in any form of POSIX documentation.

Thus working at certain levels, it is important to understand such declarations (if not fully, at least partially to ask the right questions.)

Comment Seriously... (Score 1) 757

Seriously, if we are going to complain about crazy parsing, pointer to array of ints is not a good example. This is a good (and thank goodness, relatively obscure) example:

void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int)

with signal as a function that takes one int and one pointer to function that takes one int and returns void, and which in turn returns a pointer to function which takes an int and returns void. Thankfully, this shit is seldom seen in most applications of C, except in very specialized cases.

The rest of cases it's nothing mind-warping if you know the rules.

Comment Re:Syntax and typo errors compile (Score 1) 757

gahh. I just typoed my example!!! oops. int (*foo)[20]; int *foo[20];

But I bet that error would even compile!

Not mind boggling. A person that works in C *must* know the syntax and how that stuff gets parsed.

First a pointer to an array of 20 ints (the parenthesis binds the '*' to the variable, making it a pointer). Second, an array of 20 pointers to int (the [20] binds to the variable, making it an array of 20 something, that something being determined by int * (pointer to int).

Yes, the parsing is idiotic (go right till no more, then left till no more and non-sense like that), but the rules have existed forever. And to me, that is a prerequisite to work in C... and when in doubt, use cdecl.

Comment Gawd! Damnit, not Mayans! (Score 3, Interesting) 61

Or someone very closely related to them? You know, the group in that area that formed a thriving civilization that supposedly fell apart during a drought...RIGHT AT THAT TIME?

Those unknown people?

Mayans were only one of the many people living in the area. There were/are Pech in the East (linguistically affiliated with Macro-Chibchan), the powerful Lenca in the north west (also Macro-Chibchan) living where the Mayan once were, Tolupan/Xicaque (language isolate), Pipil (Uto-Aztecan), Ulwa, Tawahka, Mayagna, and Matagalpa (Misumalpan), etc.

That is, Mayan are just the best known culture in Honduras. They weren't even the predominant culture anymore by the time of the Spanish conquest of Honduras. I've been hearing the rumors of the "White City" since the late 80's, and we keep finding archeological stuff in Honduras and Nicaragua which are really hard to categorize as cultures go.

The location of it, in the Mosquitia region, far to the east, is waaaay too far away from the Honduran Mayan homelands. The culture from this site are almost certainty neither Mayan nor Lenca. I doubt they are Tolupan because the proposed Tolupan homeland is to the north of Honduras.

By the geographic location of it, the culture was either Proto-Pech or Misumalpan (or even a culture long gone with no linguistic/ethnic survivors).

Comment WTF? Ease of analysis =/= ease of maintenance??? (Score 1) 247

A team of researchers in Sri Lanka set out to test whether common refactoring techniques resulted in measurable improvements in software quality, both externally (e.g., Is the code more maintainable?) and internally (e.g., Number of lines of code). Here's the short version of their findings: Refactoring doesn't make code easier to analyze or change (PDF); it doesn't make code run faster; and it doesn't result in lower resource utilization. But it may make code more maintainable.

From the OP, how the fuck do we reconcile this:

Refactoring doesn't make code easier to analyze or change

with this:

But it may make code more maintainable.

Seriously, those two statements conflict with one another. And since when refactoring was done primarily to make things run faster or more efficient resource-wise? Optimization is typically an architectural issue, or a point of local optimization in changing algorithms and data structures. Refactoring for the most part has always been about structural changes to enable analysis, re-usability and replacement and to ensure correctness (or at least to avoid introducing new fuck-ups.)

On The Onion News at 11, refactoring does not make code more eco-friendly/gmo-free.

Comment Re:Crime (Score -1, Troll) 538

Shes a democrat, she could kill children on the street and get away with it.

Unlike Republicans who have gotten our soldiers and drones in a position to kill civilians of all genders and ages, even children, in Iraq and Afghanistan, and whom are all in jail because of that... err, wait.

Seriously, stop injecting your stupid political pet peeves in every conversation. How old are you? 10?

Comment Re:Is that really a lot? (Score 1) 280

The working class was making a living wage doing, for the most part, manual unskilled job (pull a lever on a converyor belt or making US flags.

I'd like to know where you got the idea that the working class was doing mostly manual unskilled jobs.

Because I was in the middle class doing manual unskilled work (soldering electronics) 26 years ago. Because that is what I saw predominantly everywhere I went. Yeah, you had a factory that manufactured and repaired electric motors. For each one of "you" there were a dozen of "others" truly doing unskilled jobs.

Jesus, look at all those people that used to work in the auto industry. Sure, there were truly skilled laborers, but the lot was just put thing A in mold B, yell "clear" and pull the lever. The garment industry? Unskilled by modern standards. Assembly of electronics? The bulk of it is unskilled by modern standards.

Look at the work done by FoxConn workers in China. Yeah, they are assembling your fucking awesome, newest iButtPlug electro-trinket, but those workers are unskilled. They simply pick part A and B from conveyor belt and put them together in a bucket in another conveyor belt.

Those are the type of manufacturing jobs that were predominant here, that were uber-sophisticated by the standards of the 50's and 60's when Europe and Japan were recovering from the ashes, China and India were completed fucked, Latin America was fucked and incompetent (hasn't changed much) and 2/3 of the planet was living in some weird state mixing stages from the Neolithic, Iron Age and Feudalism with a bit here and there from the Industrial Age circa 1800's.

Things changed, and those uber-sophisticated jobs no longer count as skilled. The rest of the planet did some catching up, and what counted as skilled now counts as menial.

Time to deal with it.

Comment Re:#1 slashdot article submitters (Score 1) 257

Unemployment is created by government rules, laws, taxes, nothing else.

Unemployment is a function of capitalism in order to create fear and a willing pool of people prepared to do awful jobs for rubbish pay.

Unemployment, underployment and poverty have existed for as long as humans have developed stratified societies (7K years). I'm sure as fuck that this preceded capitalism, but don't let that stop you from posting ideological histrionics. Whatever rocks your boat, I'm not judging.

Comment Re:Is that really a lot? (Score 4, Insightful) 280

Problem is most people think they're better than that.

Americans have no interest in those jobs at the rate they are currently paying. Before the influx of illegal immigration (as well as offshoring), the working class was making a living wage. Nowadays, it's damn near impossible to survive (much less thrive) on the pittance that's being passed off as minimum wage. It's literally better to not work, get on welfare, and instead live a no-stress life - free of the abuses the lowest rung on the ladder normally take. It's not an issue of what they think - people are better than that.


The working class was making a living wage doing, for the most part, manual unskilled job (pull a lever on a converyor belt or making US flags. That went away with globalization, starting with the rise of Japan, and then the opening of China (and India to a degree).

Many studies have already debunked the idea that illegals have been depressing salaries. Overseas competition is what is killing jobs and depressing salaries. Not that I'm supporting illegal immigration (any country must have the right to control its borders), nor demonizing overseas competition (adapt or die motherfuckers.) But let's keep shit more or less accurate, shall we?

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