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Comment Whatever happened to scientific discussions then? (Score 4, Insightful) 770

True as that may be, people who are absolutely nuts tend to use the perpetual openness of science as an excuse to inject irrelevant, arbitrary insanity into discussions of fact.

You seem to be missing the point of TFA. Science doesn't need you to discuss it - it stands on it's own.

If this were true, we wouldn't have multiple physics/cosmological theories trying to explain observed phenomena or expected attributes on the nature of time and space.

If you have to discuss/debate it you have moved well out of the realm of science and into politics.

Kinda like the time when physicists were divided between those who theorized the Universe to be eternal and immutable vs those who thought of it as having a dynamic nature (expanding/shrinking with a creation starting point)?

Science not only relies on explanations of observations already taken. It also relies on PREDICTIONS (and the theories that proposed them) that are thought to be logical/inevitable based on what is has already been observed. Further experiments take place until these theories are debunked, reaffirmed or revisited. The process by which this takes place is strongly based on debate.

Even mathematical proofs are open to debate. You submit your proof. Peers attack it. If they find a chink in the armor, they send it back to you, and you now have to prove that the error is not fundamental, that your original proof can still be revisited and salvaged.

All politics are discussions. Not all discussions are politics - or are you not familiar with scientific discussions? If discussions have no place in science, then we pretty much close the door in the creation and presentation of scientific theories (which are just discussions and proposals which only become facts when experiments corroborate their predictions.) There is no exception to that and frankly it's disgusting you claim affinity for scientific knowledge and understanding and can't grasp such a basic concept.

Comment Re:Powershell (Score 1) 729

Two reasons:

1. POSIX environments have already been done on Windows, and they universally suck. SFU/Interix is shit. Cygwin is shit. MKS Toolkit is shit. MinGW/MSYS, which does a better job than any of them, is mostly shit. Even UnxUtils, which is just binaries modified for use with the actual Windows cmd shell are mostly shit. There are so many fundamental differences of philosophy that make working with a Windows system as though it were a POSIX system fundamentally untenable. You're stuck with mostly just munging text files in a binary world.

2. Powershell is what .NET developers think Windows administrators want in a shell. That's why you're allowed to do stuff like import .NET assemblies and use essentially unmodified C# code, but there's still no native SFTP client or server.

Powershell is about 90% of what an administrator actually wants in a shell, and it's actually not that bad. Compared to cmd.exe or VBscript it's balls out fantastic. However, an administrator shouldn't need to learn about .NET objects to be able to write a script, and they shouldn't feel like there's such a fundamental separation between what the shell can do with .NET piping and what executable programs can do. There's a very real encouragement to make everything in Powershell written in and with Powershell exclusively. Like no calling of a binary to do something unless you have no other choice. The shell and the community philosophy very much discourage that... for no real reason other than it's more difficult to get a .NET object out of a binary file and manipulate it with arbitrary .NET methods. I've seen people re-implement a command line zip program with [System.IO.Compression] instead of just using 7z.exe. Why? Just so they can use .NET objects that they never do anything with.

Honestly I really love Powershell, but I wish the philosophy were geared more around getting shit done than getting shit done with .NET.

Powershell can get anything done for automating things on Windows, but I sure wish they had done a better job defining the syntax and the cmlets. Seriously, that is some convoluted, dirty shit going on right there. So bad that at times I've considered IronPython a better, more modular alternative (in some circumstances obviously.)

OTH, I do like Powershell's ability to integrate with .NET. That really helps automating certain things when developing, delivering and customizing complex turn-key solutions in Windows. At least that has been my experience, and quite naturally YMMV.

Comment Re:Powershell (Score 1) 729

And bash having it is precisely why powershell has it. They wanted to capture every bash user as instantly friendly for neo-dos, and stole as many nix commands as they could. I haven't actually tried, but I have this suspicion that a fair number of bash scripts would just work in powershell.

Oh my god, this post hurts to read. Powershell scripting is nothing like Unix shell scripting in general (and Bash scripting in particular). Completely different beasts, syntactically and semantically. It's like suggesting PL/SQL scripts would work when executed by a Python interpreter.

Comment Here Comes Straw Man! (Score 1) 246

Your mistake is that it doesn't take "an entire country/culture" to destroy the pyramids, just like destroying the Buddhas of Bamiyan didn't take the concerted effort of every Muslim in Afghanistan.

Your mistake is to fail and reading comprehension and/or have a willingness to bring a strawman to the table.

It would have been MY mistake to assume it must take an entire culture to destroy valuable archaeological sites. But I didn't so fuck you very much.

If we rub a few neurons together till they spark and apply the most basic rules of reading comprehension, we see that my reply was specific to this statement :

Egyptian Muslims have already called for the destruction of the pyramids and the sphinx

That is an ambiguously quantified, poorly worded, if not ignorant and malicious statement. A more appropriate statements of the fact would have included something like "Some Egyptians Muslims" or "Extremist Egyptian Muslims" or "Egyptian Religious Radicals". Those provide a more accurate dimension to the problem as opposed to something that can (and will be passed by idiots) as a blanket generalization.

If I see some White dude with Nazi tats screaming vitriol against minorities, I'm not going to say "White People call for race war". I would quantify and qualify the individual or individuals appropriately so as to not open the door to idiots looking to push the "guilt by association" button. This same rule applies to anyone and anywhere regardless of ethnic/cultural/religious background.

I never stated that it must take an entire culture to destroy the pyramids. What I said had nothing to do with such a claim.

It was not my mistake to make. It was your mistake to attribute that on me. But hey, don't let me get in the way to build strawmen for whatever silly and/or twisted reasons that rock your boat.

Comment Re:Support our scientists ! (Score 2) 203

In elementary school, my kids did an independent science fair project every year. They learned to do graphical programming in Scratch. The school had several teams that competed in robotic competitions.

FYI that's not a normal public school.

The problem with public education in the US is that it tends to be locally funded, so you get whatever your neighbors are willing to pay for.

Capable of paying for. That is a more accurate statement.

Comment Not a Public Education Issue (Score 2) 203

In elementary school, my kids did an independent science fair project every year. They learned to do graphical programming in Scratch. The school had several teams that competed in robotic competitions.

FYI that's not a normal public school.

It is if you are middle class. And it is not just a public school issue. It is also an income issue. My girl will have a greater chance of success given that

  1. I can afford pouring her with educational activities,
  2. and that I can afford having one of us parents stay at home to help her with homework,
  3. and that I can afford keeping her busy with extra curricular activities,
  4. and that both of us are college educated

compared to another kid of the same age and talent potential whose parents

  1. cannot afford pouring her with the same amount of educational activities
  2. cannot afford for one of them to stay home for them,
  3. will inevitably spend more idle time because of that

Neither situation implies guarantee success for my girl nor failure for the hypothetical kid in the comparison. But the conditions and disparities are real, and amount and accrue to tilt the odds one way. No amount of public education the way it is funded nowadays can change that.

We know how to teach. We simply allow a system that permits the existence of school districts better funded than others.

The problem people are discussing here is not about the school system per say, but the system that funds public education which is a) highly local, and b) relies heavily on real state taxes. If there were true state and federal level public education funding systems and/or if we were to diversify local public education funding away from real state taxes, you would see a change.

You can have a great brain surgeon or a world class oncologist, but he will not do his magic if you pay him crap, you only give him a Neolithic stone dagger and a bag of aspirins to do his work, and you measure his performance under such conditions. It is not a problem with his professional potential, but the system that funds him and deploys him.

This is very obvious. So why do we examine public education on a different light? It is not our public education system that is doing this or that. It is the system that funds it, and our culture's ethos regarding the role of state and federal government that are a) vital to our society and b) whose support systems are fundamentally broken.

Either we get Fed/big government involved, or we get local governments to find more equitative (cue morons screaming "socialism!"), more diversified sources of funding away from things that are purely a function of economic brackets/classes (real state taxes.)

We do not want big government involved, but at the same time, we do not do shit to properly fund public education across all income brackets and neighborhoods? How the hell does that make sense? How the hell does this become a fault of our public education system?

Comment Re:Great idea at the concept stage. (Score 1) 254

These 'things' add up. I have no need for a expresso machine that is internet-contected, but I'm sure some marketing boy can sell it to my significant other. And I'm sure it will use most of it's packets to send data back to the marketing boy.

Unless we have hundreds of appliances, or more continuously pinging each other (or dozens sending each other barrage of critical data in an uber-QoS menage-a-trois) those will not add up to require "modern internet speeds".

Comment Re:Great idea at the concept stage. (Score 1) 254

This. There's likely trillions of dollars invested in IPv4 that is going to be around for decades. Consider the Internet like highways and train track widths - we're stuck with it for a very long time.

Three words for you: Long term thinking. Replacement of TCP/IP will happen, just not now or in the near future. Tech companies/consortia and academia are simply paving the way. Thank God that not everyone subscribe to the notion of doing something only if it is bound to a near-term execution plan.

Comment "Well, Actually" Syndrome (Score 2) 82

An intestinal bacteria, you say.

I will have to claim prior art. My family has been manufacturing methane the same way for generations.

If you knew the slightest thing about chemistry you'd know that Propane and Methane are not the same gas.

Nothing kills an embarrassingly obvious joke more than a TBU (true-but-useless) tidbit.

Here, read this to celebrate your technically correct moment of glory :)

Comment Re:Shades of 2167 (Score 1) 152

"What it does, is that it helps an organization guarantee that its constituent parts know what activities to do under what circumstances and tasks in a business lifecycle." That claim is unsupportable, since it ignores the role of tacit knowledge; it ignores all the things that the process manual doesn't say; and it ignores all the ways in which the process manual overstructures the work.

That is why I said this (re-quoting myself in bold/underline below):

"What it does, is that it helps

I guess the following I'm going to say was supposed to be implicit, I will have to be explicit. Only in slashdot.

Of course it ignores tacit knowledge and all the things that the process manual doesn't say. It has to, because attempting to do is impossible in the general case. A process is not supposed to be all encompassing and inclusive. It is supposed to operate at a meta level, to provide structure around activities. It is supposed to be more strategic than tactical. Very few things in a process would cut down to the bare metal of day-to-day operations.

When a process, formal or informal becomes more tactical than strategic, that is when it falls into the realm of micromanaging. Once you have micromanaging in place, then you cannot use such a process to improve things because of all the other dysfunctional social/political forces that cause the process to become micromanaging in the first place.

Again, a capability model is not concerned if your process is geared towards continuous improvement or micromanaging. It is only concerned with the degree in which a) you have one, and b) that you follow it.

If you have a process that is functional, and your organization is functional, and that it follows said process, IT WILL HELP said organization with its improvements.

I should not have to spell that out. It should be self-evident. It should also be self-evident that if any of these pre-conditions are met, then all bets are off (and that such a situation is not a capability model's concern.)

As James C. Scott points out in /Seeing Like a State/, this is exactly the reason why work-to-rule campaigns can be as effective (that is, more disruptive) than a strike.

Yes, you are describing a dysfunctional situation, a combination of a dysfunctional organization, system or set of players and a a dysfunctional process open to abuse. None of that is a capability model's concern, nor are inevitable consequences of having a process.

Comment Re:Silly (Score 1) 448

The idea is to have a timer that would automatically disable the equipment unless it received an enable signal, either from a satellite or removable medium. It's possible to make such a system that is, at the very least, very difficult to tamper with. Many of the systems on tanks and so on are computer controlled and if the computers stop working then it's a lot less valuable. The goal of such systems is similar to that of crypto: it's not to prevent the enemy from ever using the tanks that they've stolen, it's to prevent them using them quickly. If you have a few weeks to bomb the stolen equipment before it can be used, and the enemy has to invest a lot of high-tech resources into cracking the systems, then that's probably good enough.

Everything you suggest is possible to implement, but herein lies the fault of engineering thinking: logistics. The logistics of maintaining such a system in a manner that is sufficiently secure are just too damned complex to consider them as practical.

If the equipment stole by ISIS could be disabled by default by not receiving the *good-to-go* signal then every other equipment with similar protection is open to jamming. ISIS fighters (and most fighting forces for that matter) are technically savvy enough to constantly jam signals - eventually, they will jam one piece of equipment operated by us or one of our allies.

With such "enabling" equipment in place, then such an incident (jamming one of our own) is probabilistic-ally bound to happen. And that will most likely mean death.

Another option would be to use dongles that activate such equipment, but then again, logistics. How do you procure them? How do you rotate them? What do you do if you lost the dongle, or if the dongle (and/or whoever that carries it) is blown to bits?

The only realistic solution would be to wire equipment sold/transferred to some (not all) allies with electronic keypads that are possibly redundant (multiple interfaces within a tank for example), with multiple paths and fault-tolerant. Such keypads would be on rotation with operating crews knowing the combinations.

But then again, what happens if the operating crew is killed or incapacitated? Another crew would be unable to deploy the equipment. Multiple equipment/crew sets could share a keypad combination schedule, but then, all you have to do is capture and torture enough crew operators to spit the combinations.

Then there is training and the logistics of adding and removing such contraptions (because you do not want such contraptions in *our* equipment).

Logistics and the realities of war make it hardly unlikely to see any such contraptions in the field, me thinks.

Comment 20%? More like 2% (Score 1) 85

If someone would offer a "you pick 50 channels for $50" service, they would win. Break it up into 5 levels and pick 10 from each. I hate paying for 300 channels when I only want / watch 20% of them. I know, there are all sorts of license, premium fees, etc. But if someone can figure a way around it...

20%? More like 2% maybe (6 channels)? Most people I know only watch less than a dozen channels regularly.

In our case at home, when we used to have cable, we had to sign for one of the uber-packages to get a NHK Japanese programming channel. My brother-in-law has to do the same thing to get his Arab-language TV programming. And pretty much every South/South East Asian acquaintance of mine do the same to get their Hindi/Vietnamese/Filipino programming. So that is one channel.

Add one or two channels for your favorite TV shows (say, AMC, H2, the Food Channel, TNT, maybe Nickelodeon for the kids) and boom, that's all there is to it. I really have a hard time visualizing an average household truly watching more than a dozen channels.

I'm not sure if I would pay $50 for 50 channels, but I would pay $20 for a dozen (and I would tolerate commercials, it is what it is.)

But we are no longer on cable. We are on Netflix and over-the-air programming. We are mostly watching V-Me (Spanish version of public TV programming) and QUBO for my kids, Create, and World Channel for our neurons, ION for Law & Order on Friday and Saturday nights, and NBC for the morning news. Amazon VOD every other blue moon.

Not missing cable at all, sans for NHK's Japanese language TV.

6 over the air channels for free + Netflix. Only an ala carte option might beat that, just maybe.

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