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Comment Re:Wikileaks supporters should study COINTELPRO. (Score 0) 385

Yes, that's a fair point, if those "techniques" are repeated in multiple places, then there may be something to them. Still I saw only one linked source on that site in regard to "gang stalking", and that link is not operational. So whatever merits the site may have, it's not valuable as any kind of authority on what tactics a government may use to harass someone.

Comment Re:Wikileaks supporters should study COINTELPRO. (Score 0) 385

It's no insinuation. It is a simple declaration: you obviously have a mental disorder. I have had two friends who were also schizophrenic, and I was very good at communicating with them and understanding their condition. From reading your website, I can clearly see the exact same condition in you.

It's obvious that you're the author of the site, because anyone except the author would see that you are delusional. No one would post that site as evidence except its creator.

Furthermore, I'm not a government agent, and am in fact very interested and open minded in regard to issues like COINTELPRO, Rex 84, etc. I agree completely that the government is ruthless and shitty. I hate the system of wage slavery and rule by the elite that we have today - and probably more than you at that.

Also, by an accident of language, you confirmed yourself as the author of that page, so don't deny it. You said "insinuating that I'm mentally ill", when my comnment was directed specifically at the author of that page.

Comment Re:Wikileaks supporters should study COINTELPRO. (Score 0) 385

Upon further reading of the Joel Byran Harris site, it has become clear that he's totally off his nut and also that the guy who posted the link is indeed Mr. Harris.

Anyway Joel, I've had a few friends who were schizophrenic and paranoid. I know that this world of fear and harassment is real to you, but fortunately it is not reality. You have to help yourself and get treatment. There are medications that can help you get over these delusions.

Comment Re:Wikileaks supporters should study COINTELPRO. (Score 2) 385

I don't see any reason, so far, to believe that Joel Byran Harris is anything other than paranoid and insane.

The website you linked to is his own website, made to document his "assault" by federal/corporate harassers. So far he hasn't presented a bit of printed, photographic or video evidence, and refers mysteriously to a crime he committed at age 17 without ever explaining (so far) what that crime is.

Let's look at a quote from the site:

"Furthermore, I began to be witness to a number of regularly occurring social dramas that would be played out in any given of my usual public hang-outs that could only be called psychosocial dramatics, or 'street theatre,' dramas which were, without a doubt, targeting me and seemed designed to illicit even more nervous responses or symptoms."

"I also began noticing within my house that various personal items had been tampered with, clothes moved or guitar strings unwound, little tidbits to very definitely let me know that others had been in my personal space."

Sounds like a mentally disturbed person to me.

Are you actually this man?

Comment Re:No Connection with Tehran (Score 1) 63

I don't think your West Bank comparison holds water, because it's not as if the settlers have no support from the government. Israel has been perfectly willing to tell us to fuck off over the West Bank, while I would bet that the Iranians want no part of any "cyber terrorist" organization, at least not one that operates outside of their direct control.

Comment Re:It's an archaic requirement... (Score 1) 795

I don't think it's archaic at all. It seems to me that nationalism is a fickle spirit. A man born 30 miles south of the Canadian border would fight and die for the US, while his neighbor 35 miles to the north would do the same for Canada.

That same American man considers his countryman who's thousands of miles away in Florida to be his national brother, but he considers the Canadian man to be a friendly neighbor.

The point is, in the monkey regions of our brains, people form deep internal commitments to the team they're born to play on. Yes, people can change teams, and one of the hypothetical virtues of the US is that we're supposed to let anyone play... but the best way to be sure that someone's #1 nationalistic allegiance is to the US, is for them to have been born in the US.

Comment There's an easier way... (Score 5, Informative) 86

The version in the story is too complicated, but there's an easier way. The catch is that it has to be really cold outside... I'd say at or below freezing.

All you have to do is acquire a bottle of lighter fluid and a lighter. A zippo lighter works best. Spray a puddle of lighter fluid on cold pavement. Light the fluid (may take a while, it's difficult to ignite when cold). Once it's burning, stand back and spray a steady stream of lighter fluid into the flames. After a spray or two, a fire tornado will develop. I've made fire tornadoes that were an inch or two thick and at least ten feet tall.

Comment Re:For what purpose? (Score 1) 343

What a false dichotomy you've presented there. I would choose a third option: let's trade some freedom and privacy for safety and order, but maintain a hard line beyond which the government cannot reach. IF only there was some important document that laid that out... oh right, it's the Constitution. Too bad we ignore it.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
