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Comment Re:FUD Alert. FUD Alert (Score 1) 362

What legal requirement? Google doesn't have to release any of the Android source code because they chose the Apache license. The parts of Android under GPL like the kernel have been released. Also Google has a better track record of releasing source code than most companies so I think they have earned a bit of slack in this situation.

Comment GoogleTV (Score 1) 223

Google doesn't need to get into bed with cable companies. Not when they can slip in between the cable box and the TV (Logitech Revue) or directly into the the TV (Sony). I think about the only thing you can expect to see from this acquisition is a new Google TV device from Motorola. GoogleTV may not have taken off yet but I believe it is only a matter of time.

Comment How about disabling chat? (Score 2) 102

Annoys me when I get a unwanted chat message on Facebook. I want to completely disable the chat feature but there is no way that I know of. I can sign out of chat but that won't stop Facebook from automatically signing me back in later. The last thing I want is video chat requests popping up in my browser.. ugh

Facebook Announces Video Calling With Skype 102

An anonymous reader writes "As rumored and anticipated, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg today announced video calling, powered by Skype. The company also revealed other chat improvements, including an option to see the friends you message most and group chat, and confirmed that it now has 750 million users."

DVRs, Cable Boxes Top List of Home Energy Hogs 324

Hugh Pickens writes "Elisabeth Rosenthal writes that cable setup boxes and DVRs have become the single largest electricity drain in many American homes, causing an increase of over $10/month for a home with many devices, with some typical home entertainment configurations eating more power than a new refrigerator. The set-top boxes are energy hogs mostly because their drives, tuners and other components are running full tilt, 24 hours a day, even when not in active use. 'People in the energy efficiency community worry a lot about these boxes, since they will make it more difficult to lower home energy use,' says John Wilson, a former member of the California Energy Commission. 'Companies say it can't be done or it's too expensive. But in my experience, neither one is true. It can be done, and it often doesn't cost much, if anything.' The perpetually 'powered on' state is largely a function of design and programming choices made by electronics companies and cable and Internet providers, which are related to the way cable networks function in the United States. Similar devices in some European countries can automatically go into standby mode when not in use, cutting power drawn by half and go into an optional 'deep sleep,' which can reduce energy consumption by about 95 percent (PDF) compared with when the machine is active. Although the EPA has established Energy Star standards for set-top boxes and has plans to tighten them significantly by 2013, cable providers and box manufacturers like Cisco Systems, Samsung and Motorola currently do not feel consumer pressure to improve box efficiency."

Google Files First Solar Patent, Builds R&D Team 118

bizwriter writes "Google has moved beyond investing and using solar power and has started on serious R&D work in the field. Its first patent application in solar energy technology just became public, and the company is staffing a new R&D group 'to develop electricity from renewable energy sources at a cost less than coal' at 'utility scale.'"

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I was playing poker the other night... with Tarot cards. I got a full house and 4 people died. -- Steven Wright
