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Comment Re:Isn't Google missing the point? (Score 1) 202

Did you search for "garden lighting" and her local area?

There are 350 "metropolitan areas" in the US, each of which must have at least a couple of shops selling "garden lighting". Let's say only half of them have a web page. At 10 results per page, unless there's something particularly compelling about her particular store, you would expect to find her around 17 pages down.

Comment Revenge is a dish best served cold (Score 3, Interesting) 789

1997: Adobe wants Apple to pay workstation prices for Display Postscript licenses for the new OS, "Rhapsody", which would have completely priced them out of the market. Apple has to rewrite the graphics layer for Rhapsody/OS X, and it's delayed 2-3 years.

2010: Payback is a bitch.

Comment What's he measuring? (Score 1) 140

Efficiency per unit area?

Efficiency per "swept area"?

Efficiency per surface area?

His construct appears to require more than 2.5 times the material of a flat collector, and generates only about 30% more energy at peak. How does it compare to a flat collector with the same surface area, or to three flat collectors angled for morning, noon, and evening sun?

Comment Re:Seven years for eight hours work (Score 1) 380

You're more optimistic about Linux on the desktop than I am.

Now if Apple were to release a portable version of OS X, they'd be in trouble. But after the last time they tried that they'll have to drink a lot more blood to give it another shot.

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