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Comment Re:Money buys power -- regulatees capture regulato (Score 1) 309

"In order to get into that position, that one station must have out competed the others to attain more money."

Cause absolutely no one who owns a station STARTED with any money, it was only accrued through them being the most successful station. You're advocating hard for letting those with money do whatever they want to those without.

Comment Re:Confused (Score 4, Interesting) 315

Yeah, the wording is confusing.

"In her brief, the ex-wife said “the authority, alluded to by oppositor-appellant, the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders DSM-IV-TR,’ was taken from an Internet website commonly known as Wikipedia.”"

It makes it sound as though the DSM only exists in the fairytale land of Wikipedia. Unless he SAID "from this article about the DSM on wikipedia", in which case he's just a dumbass

Comment Maybe they shouldn't have announced it to everyone (Score 1) 139

The implication is that a large part of the deterrent is the belief that the US can determine exactly where the nuke came from, and reply in kind. By announcing that that ability is decaying, that deterrent is completely undermined.

While obviously it's better if we can actually do what we say we can, it's the belief that we can that (theoretically) keeps people in check.

Comment Re:60 days is not 5 (Score 1) 134

Because Google is putting out an article/official statement regarding vulnerability fix timelines and public disclosure with his name in the byline. The implication is that they fully support his view on the matter, though the timeline that's being touted as acceptable in the article is not one he stuck to. It's a lot of "do as I say, not as I do."


Submission + - Database Normalization Demystified ( 1

Woofy31 writes: Are your databases unorganized ? Do they have a low impact on your app/website's speed ? Well, that's probably because it is not optimized. This is an illustrated tutorial on how to optimize your databases by applying a technique called "database normalization".

Comment Re:Asinine (Score 5, Insightful) 299

I'm very sorry that a can of Pepsi killed your mother and molested your dog, but don't you think that perhaps this much anger directed toward a company that produces junk food is a little unwarranted?

They provide something that people want, then you rage at THEM for that? If no one was buying their product then they wouldn't be in business, so how about directing a little bit of that ranting in the direction of the general public that supports them, because last time I checked no one is marching into people's homes and forcing cola down people's throats.

Foisting it upon them? Please

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