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Comment Re:PROFILED (Score 2) 582

Armed criminals often conceal weapons under clothing, precisely because their weapons would otherwise be obvious.

Clearly the only way we could ever feel safe enough to walk down the street is to outlaw all clothing. Makes sense to me. Do you see a flaw in this thinking?

I see a flaw, anyone with a concealed weapons permit would have to insert the weapon into an orifice.. If all guns are inserted in to assholes, only assholes will have guns.

Comment Re:Isn't using a proxy and encryption one answer? (Score 1) 342

In other words your ISP has simply decided to take the stance of harming their own legitimate customers while not doing anything truly effective to the hardcore infringers. .

Yes, some of the big ISP's have even been caught throttling WoW players... they called it a glitch in their DPI software, and they are "working on a solution"... which to me reads "tough titty"

Comment Re:Fighting back? (Score 1) 342

You could petition Chuck Norris himself, sadly, aside from the government making the practice illegal, aint much gonna help... and why will the government step in? Telco/Cable and Showbiz are a powerhouse, especially together.. By the people for the people is a lost value... its now "Buy the Government, own the people"

Comment Re:Piracy not cool anymore... (Score 1) 342

Netflix and Hulu? The same ISPs wanna tap that revenue stream with transfer caps... I dont know what makes you think piracy is on the decline, personal experience maybe... My personal experience (as a Canadian staring down ridiculously low Xfer caps), Piracy has moved from the internet back to SneakerNet. People passing around USB Harddrives with movies to copy, DVD's of the latest downloads, Ripped DVDs, Ripped CD's. I dont see piracy declining, I see it growing... as many of the people who are getting these copied DVD's can barely use their computer... they just want to watch Showtime shows without paying for Showtime (or the overpriced bundled channels that come with it).

Times are tough all around, even regular Farmville players are upset with the Telco/Cable duopolies...

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 341

Exactly, then as we all slowly become "hogs" by their definition, the mass public just assumes the price is right... Until I found a suitable third party (and I use the term suitable losely) my Broadband bill was almost equal to my heating bill**.

**Winter month gas bill. Internet $130, Gas Bill $115

Comment Re:Plan B (Score 1) 341

So the new netflix will deliver physical media instead of instant streaming... what a great idea... To simplify it, instead of pigeons, just mail the DVD. Users could set up some sort of list, and choose movies.... and when they want their next movie, they just send back the one they have,

I think this could work..

or maybe a brick and morter store that rents the media to end users.. then they wouldnt need the internet at all... this would totally bust Netflix's blocks... hey, thats a good name... Blockbuster.

Comment Re:Kids playing MW2 not causing trouble. (Score 1) 209

as a father and former child... kids playing and violent crime are worlds apart. Unless every thanksgiving the kids went out and gang-raped a neighour a beat the daylights out of a [insert racial epithet of choice]. I think the 'kids less active due to video games' is a different topic all together.

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