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Submission + - SCO goes private, gets $100M to keep going (linux-watch.com)

Trigun writes: "SCO, which had been reduced to be trading OTC (over the counter) in the Pink Sheets after having been kicked off the Nasdaq in December 2007, found an angel investor in SNCP and its Middle Eastern partners. In return for the $100 million to reorganize, SNCP will take over the company and take it private. Prior to this refinancing news out of the blue, SCO's stock had been trading for 6 cents per share."

Submission + - SNORT prepares for IPO

An anonymous reader writes: Open ource innovator and SNORT creator, Sourcefire, Inc., a leader in network intrusion prevention, announced today the pricing of its initial public offering of 5,770,000 shares of its common stock at $15.00 per share. More inromation on the SNORT IPO can be found over at Linuxlookup.com

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"Spock, did you see the looks on their faces?" "Yes, Captain, a sort of vacant contentment."
